Five hundred years of training, see the mysterious president

Fang Qingyu is a person who pursues perfection, and relying on the police to obtain the incomplete law is unwilling to him.

The ancient emperor smiled and then said: "If you want to truly understand the advance of time and space, you can only rely on yourself.

"I am dead, and there is only my past in the long river of time and space, not my future."

"I can't tell you anything other than my understanding of [Space-Time Advance Loan]. 33

The long river of time and space drifts in the universe, and it carries the imprints of countless people. The imprints of the ancient emperors have come to an end. There is only this past and no future.

Even they themselves cannot perform the sixth profound meaning.

The ancient emperor tried his best to explain to Fang Qing the profound meaning of [Time and Space Advance Loan].

Fang Qingshi also had a clear understanding of the profound meaning of time and space borrowing.

The point of "eight-four zero" lies in the following two words, "pre" means advance, and "borrow" means borrowing.

By comprehending the profound meaning of time-space pre-borrowing, you will be able to perceive your future self and summon your future self to this time and space.

This profound meaning is equivalent to the avatar technique, summoning the self in the future time and space, and letting the self in the future time and space assist in the battle.

Under the same circumstances, two of the same people are worthy to fight, and the combat power can no longer be described as one plus one.

The ancient emperor smiled and said: "Although time-space advance borrowing can use the future self to fight, it also has certain flaws.

"Communicating the future time and space, and summoning the future self to your side, after all, it is not a simple matter."

"If you want your future self to reach the present time and space smoothly, you must overcome the obstacles brought by the space barrier, and this obstacle comes from which future self you summon?"

Fang Qingpao understood what the ancient emperor wanted to say. The space-time barrier is like a semi-permeable membrane. If you want to go from the end of the future to this end, you must break this obstacle.

The farther the self in the future is from the time and space where he is now, the stronger the space-time barrier will be. Without absolute power to break this space-time barrier, the future self cannot be sent here.

The space-time barrier is like a door, the farther your future self is from him, the stronger the material of this door will be.

The ancient emperor looked at Fang Qing up and down, looking thoughtful.

"According to your current understanding of the laws of time and space, you should be able to contact yourself a year later."

Other teachers added their own insights into the time and space borrowing, and then re-entered the long river of history.

There are still five years before going to the God Burial Remnant Realm.

Even if Fang Qingshi tried to borrow time and space to comprehend successfully, there was nothing he could do.

Therefore, in order to make more effective use of these five years, Fang Qingjian entered the blood domain to find Elizabeth and others.

Fang Qing said with a smile: "There are still five years left, and I plan to guide you to cultivate and break through to the upper gods as soon as possible."

Together with Lauder and Fang Qingji, there are now seven gods in the entire blood domain.

Among these seven gods, except Lauder who has reached the middle god, the others are still in the lower god stage.

Fang Qing led six people into the space-time domain, five years outside and five hundred years in the space-time domain.

In the past five hundred years, with Fang Qingshi's teaching, Lauder, Elizabeth and others can definitely reach the Three Profound Truths.

The Buried God and Remnant Realm is full of dangers, and without the strength to protect themselves, Fang Qing will not bring them in at all.

In a blink of an eye, five years passed by in a flash.

A huge silver starry sky chariot came from outside the Eastern Wilderness Realm. Above the starry sky chariot sat Elder Lin and a woman wearing a mask.

Elder Colin's body was slightly behind the woman, and from the position he stood, it could be seen that the identity of this woman should be the mysterious president of the World Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as the silver starry sky car entered the Eastern Desolate Realm area, Fang Qing received the news.

The elder Colin stood on the starry sky carriage and said solemnly: "The Burial of Gods and Remnants is about to open, and we have already received the news from the Protoss.

"That area is in the middle of the Protoss, and the location is a bit far, so we have to hook our hair ahead of time."

Hearing the words of the elder Colin, Fang Qingshi nodded, got up and flew into the starry sky chariot.

Elder Colin walked over to Fang Qing and patted Fang Qing on the shoulder.

Elder Colin said with a smile: "You have been in the Chamber of Commerce for such a long time. It was the first time I asked you to see your president, but you didn't want to. This time, the president asked us to help her, and you should take advantage of this opportunity. Chairman for a moment.

Fang Qing was taken to the top of the starry sky carriage by the elder Colin, where he met the most mysterious chairman of the chamber of commerce,

As soon as the door was opened, Fang Qingshi's eyes were firmly attracted by the figure in front of him.

The figure in front of her was wearing a long black dress.

A beautiful long hair down to the waist.

Under the mask, a pair of clear and bright eyes seemed to be able to speak.

A slender figure is too long to increase by one point, and too short to decrease by one point.

Perhaps it is because he has been in the position of president all the year round, and he always carries that strong and domineering aura.

The president's eyes stared at Fang Qingwan tightly, and the corner of his mouth under the mask smiled slightly.

Fang Qingyan looked at the president in front of him and was stunned for a while.

Colin Da Zhang said with a smile: "I asked you to meet the president before and you didn't go, do you feel a little pity now?"

"You have to know that our president is the most beautiful woman in the entire Divine Realm, and she is born with a splendid appearance, and there are not many people who pursue her in the Divine Realm.

Back then, Qin's face was only slightly exposed, which caused various forces to fall into contention.

There is no shortage of beautiful women in God's Domain, but women like Qin are not.

She looks beautiful and has great succession, plus the background behind her.

Every time Qin Yi appeared, countless young Jijun followed behind him.

The president waved his hand towards Colin, interrupting what he was going to say next.

The chairman said with a smile: "You have been in the World Chamber of Commerce for so long, from 0.3 guest to the first elder, I have not had time to see you. This time, entering the God Burial Remnant Realm is the first time we meet."

Fang Qingshi nodded, and the moment he saw the president, he was indeed a little surprised.

But he was limited to surprise, and had no extra thoughts.

Fang Qing said with a smile: "It is indeed the first time we met, the president is busy with official business, and I also have a lot of things to do. If I hadn't entered the God Burial Remnant Realm this time, I really don't know when we will meet.

The three boarded the silver starry sky chariot and flew towards the territory of the Seven Gods.

God's Domain is really too big, no matter how fast the speed of the Starry Sky Carriage is, it cannot reach it in a short time.

From the East Desolate Realm to the area where the God Burial Remnant Realm is located, the starry sky chariot took a full month.