Red blood, mysterious phantom

Looking at the water in the stream, Fang Qing finally discovered the problem of the Scarlet Forest.

"No, this bloody forest will devour people's life and blood."

The blood-colored forest's devouring of life is very slight but very persistent. If Fang Qing hadn't checked carefully, he would not have found this devouring power.

As soon as he entered the blood-colored forest, the wispy power seemed to be transformed into a tiny worm, attached to Fang Qing's hard body, absorbing Fang Qing's life blood.

Even though Fang Qing is a living creature and has an infinite life, under this devouring force, the blood energy in his body is still lost.

The lost blood gas gradually became larger than the recovered blood gas, and Fang Qing's appearance began to age little by little.

Seeing the blood energy in his body draining little by little, Fang Qing was a little anxious.

He also finally knew why there was no living creature in the Nuoda Forest.

Able to devour blood, any living creature will not exist here.

Fang Qingshi hurriedly restrained his aura, and used the law of time and space to suppress the force that devoured blood.

When the law of time and space is blessed on the body, the speed of blood loss in the body gradually decreases, and the law of time and space has reached a tie with the force that swallows blood energy.

The two forces were entrenched in Fang Qing's hard body, making Fang Qingwan unable to use his own strength at all.

Fang Qingyan had a gloomy face, trying his best to control his emotions.

"No matter what is here, I have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Fang Qingjian could already feel the aging of his body, and he was a little inflexible when walking.

In order to leave this place as soon as possible, Fang Qing ship returned along the original road.

But he looked at the area behind him, and there was not a single footprint left in the place he walked, and even the road in the distance could not be seen clearly.

Fang Qing walked towards the original road for a long time, but no matter how long he walked, it was still the bloody forest.

The red land beneath his feet and the familiar stream in front of him made the entire forest more and more terrifying.

At this moment, Fang Qing was angry, and he could no longer control his inner emotions.

"Damn, where the hell is this?

Unable to find a way back, Fang Qingshi could only go forward again.

The further you go, the darker the red land beneath your feet.

The further forward he went, the more strange things Fang Qingshi saw.

Fang Qingcian saw with his own eyes that the scarlet land suddenly burst into scarlet blood.

Fang Qingyan tried to communicate with the big world in the body, and tried to communicate with the spirit of the sword.

But the big world and the artifact seem to have lost contact with him, no matter how much he shouted, he could not get a response.

Gradually, Fang Qing's consciousness became a little blurry, and his footsteps staggered forward.

Just when Fang Qingjian was about to fall to the ground, Fang Qingyan thought of Elizabeth, Caroline, Sisi and Sijing.

The ties and obsessions in his heart made him regain consciousness.

Fang Qing shouted fiercely: "I can't die here, if I die here, my people will stay in this forest."

"I have to get out of here."

As soon as the words fell, the blood clan mark on Fang Qing's body suddenly lit up with a red light.

This red light has the same breath as the blood-colored forest.

The power in the blood-colored forest seemed to sense the bloodline of Fang Qing's body, and bit by bit withdrew the devouring power.

The disappearance of that devouring force made Fang Qing recover a little bit of anger.

Fang Qing gasped heavily, and wiped his sweat-soaked face with his right hand.

Just after wiping his cheeks, Fang Qingshuo opened his eyes and suddenly found a green path in the bloody forest in front of him.

This green path is incompatible with the surrounding environment, but it is filled with the breath of life, making Fang Qing feel very comfortable.

Fang Qing walked on this green path, the green life breath slowly penetrated Fang Qing's hard pores and entered his body.

Fang Qing was a little hesitant about whether to move forward. The breath of life that existed in the destruction made him unclear about what Fang existed.

Just as Fang Qing hesitated, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Come on! My child. 99

This voice seemed to be magical, with a mother-like atmosphere, making Fang Qing feel the kindness of the special police.

Fang Qing involuntarily followed the sound and started walking forward.

Although in an unconscious state, Fang Qingyan's footsteps were always on the green grass.

One step or two, slowly moving in the direction of the sound.

In his ears, the voice became louder and louder, and Fang Qing's pace became faster and faster.

…..for flowers 0.

At the end of the sound, Fang Qingshi saw a box.

It was a box carved out of red wood, and there was a strong aura inside the box.

Fang Qingshi's will told him not to touch the box, but his hands were out of control.

Holding the box with both hands, the breath in the blood-colored forest seemed to be guided and drilled in the direction of the box.

The energy turns into a vortex, and the sign is above the box.

Fang Qing watched as these breaths penetrated into the box.

The energy storm above the box lasted for a long time, until the blood in the sky slowly faded, the surrounding blood-colored trees turned to ashes little by little, and the ground underfoot gradually turned yellow.

Fang Qing didn't know what the box in his hand was, or what was in the box.

His hands slowly opened the box in his hand unconsciously.

A strong light flashed through the box, and Fang Qingshi's eyes were tightly closed.

When the light disappeared, Fang Qing saw a drop of blood floating in the box.

This drop of blood shone with golden light, and its crystal clear appearance was like a naturally formed ruby.

It floats above the box, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, which is full of luxury and aristocratic blur.

Fang Qing just glanced at it, and the whole person fell into a dead silence, as if this drop of blood had magical power that could make people lose.

The blood floated above the box, and a figure gradually floated.

Fang Qing wanted to see the phantom's face clearly, but no matter how he looked, no matter how wide his eyes were, he couldn't see the phantom's face.

She could only see that she was wearing a luxurious blood-colored dress, her eyes were closed, and her body and blood subtly blended together.

Fang Qing did not see her appearance, but knew that this woman was absolutely beautiful.

Fang Qingshi held the box in his hand, his eyes were blurred.

At this time, the phantom woman suddenly opened her eyes, and the outline gradually became clear.

Fang Qingchuan came back to his senses at once, and met the eyes of the phantom woman in the blood.

That kind of look made Fang Qing, who was very vigilant, gradually let go of his guard. He saw tenderness in the phantom woman's eyes, and from that woman's eyes, he felt the warmth that he had never felt before.