141 prohibitions, the pursuit of the Seven Gods

Fang Qingyan knew that the next stitch was the highlight.

He can survive here well, still retains the original consciousness, there must be some changes.

The picture from the traditional projection hook flashed and instantly connected to Fang Qingshi's brain.

Fang Qingyan looked at the blood-colored light that Lilith had transformed into, and instantly covered his godhead and soul.

When the picture arrived here, it suddenly began to shake, as if touching something that should not be touched.

The blue light curtain turned into fragments and re-entered Fang Qing's hard body.

Fang Qing stared at this blue light curtain shard, and quickly reached out to capture it.

But these light curtain fragments are themselves illusions from projection hooks.

Fang Qingshi shouted: "What happened in the back? What kind of situation happened? Come out to me in the system."

Fang Qingshi kept shouting, but Fantong seemed to fall into silence.

No matter how Fang Qing shouted, he just didn't hook the original screen projection.

The blood-colored forest that had turned into scorched earth had already been discovered by the Sunny Tiger Clan.

-Only Sunny Tiger appeared on this scorched earth with a huge body.

The Tiger King, who came later, quietly looked at the scorched earth.

The fairyland after the disappearance of the blood-colored forest is like a large blank area lying on the ground. This area is covered with a large number of starry beasts that have become corpses.

Most of these star beasts are creatures that have strayed into the bloody forest.

Although there is a powerful life force, the deprivation of life is often silent.

The Tiger King looked at the corpse in front of him, and found his clan in it, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Suddenly, the tiger king heard Fang Qing's cry, all its teeth, it threw Xiaobai on the ground directly on the back.

It instantly turned into a white lightning bolt and flew towards Fang Qing's position.

Tiger King saw Fang Qingshuo's figure from a distance.

Fang Qing stood in the center of the Scarlet Forest, which was the only raised spot in the entire Scarlet Forest.

Fang Qing frantically shouted towards the surroundings, from his voice, Tiger King could hear the impatience.

Xiaobai, who was sitting on the back of the Tiger King, saw Fang Qing, and flew directly towards him, hugging Fang Qing's stiff neck with all his limbs.

Fang Qing felt the movement on his neck and was about to attack.

Suddenly Xiaobai's tongue gently licked Fang Qingyan's neck, and the coolness from the neck awakened Fang Qingshi's consciousness.

Fang Qingshi hugged Xiaobai from his neck, calmed down his thoughts, and said to Xiaobai gently.

"Little guy, why are you here? I said that I will come here alive and diligently, look, am I very good?

Xiaobai seemed to understand Fang Qing's words, his little head shook slightly, his big eyes looked at Fang Qing tightly, and his eyes were full of attachment.

On the other hand, because of the loss of Fang Qingyan, the main force of the great master of engraving and engraving, the speed of the elder Colin and the guild leader in breaking the ban was greatly reduced.

When they saw Fang Qing hiding in the belly of Spring Whale, they thought Fang Qingshi was dead, and the two could only continue to find what they wanted according to the original plan.

Elder Colin and the president avoided the Seven Gods and took a bloody roulette.

There was a golden pointer on the blood-colored roulette, and the president said something, and stretched out his hand to tick a mark on the ship.

The imprint exudes a blood-colored light and slowly merges into the entire roulette.

In an instant, the pointer jumps, and the number points to a position after a circle.

The president said happily: "According to the guidance of the blood spirit plate, that thing should be in the direction of 75 degrees north by east. 99

When the elder Colin heard the president's words, his old face also showed a hint of joy.

The elder Colin asked suspiciously: "President, isn't the specific location of the blood spirit plate hooked?

The president shook his head, then took a deep breath.

"The exact location of that thing is still unclear. Now that there is a suppressing force in the God Burial Remnant Realm, it's good that the blood spirit plate can guide you in a rough way."

According to the guidance of the blood spirit disk, the two sides quickly reached this area.

But looking at the restrictions in this area, the heads of the two people grew bigger.

The area in front of them has never been explored by the Seven Gods.

One by one, the treasures were blocked in the ban, and it was impossible to see what it was, just waiting for the two to open the ban.

The elder Colin said with a sigh: "If only Fang Qing was here, with him, the probability of us finding that thing will rise to 70%. 22

Elder Colin still admires Fang Qingshuo's ability.

The hard tasks given to Fang Qing over the years, no matter how difficult it is, Fang Qing can complete it.

And there are some tasks that even the elder Colin takes some time to complete.

The president patted Elder Colin on the shoulder, shook his head, and his face was a little sad.

"Let the past pass away! I am also a little sad that such a good Tian Ji is buried here. 33

"But for the future of the blood clan, in order to be able to punish the hypocritical Seven Gods, we must cheer up and find that thing.

After the president finished speaking, he began to check the restrictions in this area with the elder Colin.

The two carefully counted the restrictions in this area, a total of one hundred and forty-one.

It doesn't seem like much, but the two of them have only been buried in the disabled world for three years.

It takes a lot of time to break any prohibition.

The president and the elder Colin glanced at each other, and without wasting a moment, they hurriedly threw themselves into the task of breaking the ban.

The elder Colin and the president are not fools either. The energy storm generated by breaking the ban will always be sensed by the nearby Seven Gods.

In order to cover up this energy storm, the two paid a huge price.

Some special artifacts in the World Chamber of Commerce were used and placed around.

And in order to prevent the Seven Gods from being able to track down the two, the elder Colin and the guild leader put on a layer of transparent raincoats.

The raincoat draped over the two of them instantly blocked their breath, allowing them to blend into this space-time area, unable to detect their exact location.

The Seven Gods successfully forced Fang Qing into the taboo area. In order to prevent this from happening, they also sent a few people to look after him.

As long as Fang Qingcian lies down again, the other Seven Gods will be able to get the news.

Then others began to look for the traces of the elder Colin and the president.

The great elder of the Vanir God clan held a life detector and moved quickly in each area.

He tried to find the traces of the remaining two people through the life detector in his hand.

But he searched the entire God Burial Remnant Realm, but still found no trace of the two of them.

The Vanya Protoss elder stopped in a certain area, thinking about what happened.

The chief elder of the Hermeran god clan looked at the contemplative chief elder of the Vanir god clan in front of him, patted his shoulder lightly, and cast a suspicious look at him.