The transferred battlefield, caught in a siege?

Hearing the words of the elder Colin, the guild leader frowned slightly, as if he knew what the elder Colin was going to say next.

The elder Colin nodded, and then said: "We can't sit here and wait to die, there are still a lot of restrictions in front of us that have not been broken. These people of the Seven Gods are here, and any energy that disappears after the restriction is broken will give us Big trouble."

We "have to cut the battlefield away from here, and as long as we can turn their attention elsewhere, we have a chance to open the rest of the ban.

The chairman thought for a while, and finally nodded.

The two carefully planned their next actions, and with the help of their cloaks, they quietly left the area.

The two plan to rush to other areas as quickly as possible.

In order to attract everyone to the greatest extent, the two plan to go to the southern area adjacent to the eastern area.

It was next to the taboo area, Elder Colin and the others decided to attract all the people of the Seven Gods to the south to the area, and then use other methods to escape. Only in this way can they divert their attention.

In the southern area, the two of them are now here, and immediately use the biggest attack on the restraint around them.

The powerful destructive power not only broke the restriction, but also made the ground tremble at first.

Seventeen of the Seven Gods in the far east area heard this huge sound, and immediately got up and flew towards the place where the sound wanted to be heard.

The seventeen Seven Gods saw the figures of the elder Colin and the guild leader from a distance.

One of the seven gods wanted to report to the seven gods elders.

Suddenly, two people from the Hermerans next to him grabbed him and shook their heads at his cradle.

"The first police contacted the first elder, and the above explained that the World Chamber of Commerce must not be hooked from the God Burial Remnant Realm.

"There are so many of us here, catch them first, so that when we report to the top, each of us can get credit. 99

The Seven Gods seem to be in a mess, but in fact there are a lot of contradictions.

The most powerful Hemera God Clan, no matter what they do, they have a arrogant attitude. They are pretentious and always feel that their hooks are much stronger than the other six God Clan.

It is precisely because of this idea that the Hermerans always wanted to be the leaders of the Seven Gods.

But how could the other Protoss be willing? The Divine Realm has existed for so many years and has experienced countless eras.

When it came to the Seven Gods, the seven Gods jointly managed the Divine Realm, and any of the Gods wanted to be the leader, but none of the Gods were successful.

The reason is because each of the Gods in the Seven Gods has its finale.

Each Protoss has its own trump card. They do not want to be subordinated to the police Protoss. After arguing for so many years, in the end, they have not decided on a leader, so the seven Protoss have to jointly manage the Divine Realm.

The seventeen Protoss discussed it carefully and decided to attack together to capture the elders of Kelin.

In order not to let Elder Colin and the others escape, the seventeen members of the Seven Gods have deployed their staff in all directions, and they plan to surround the elder Colin and the others.

"After searching for so many days, I finally found the whereabouts of these two people. When I catch these two people, I must let them know how terrible it is to tease the Protoss.

"I'll kill that old guy later. As for the other person, although her face is covered, she is definitely a beautiful woman based on her temperament."

"Indeed, I heard the elders and the others talk about it before. It seems that the person wearing the mask is the president of the World Chamber of Commerce. The elders also praised that woman as the most beautiful woman in the entire God's Domain."

These seventeen gods of the Protoss did not take Elder Colin and the others into account at all.

In their eyes, Elder Colin and the others are businessmen walking in the God Realm. Compared with the Seven Gods, the fighting power of these businessmen is not worth mentioning at all.

The encirclement set by the crowd is getting smaller and smaller, and the danger that Elder Colin and the others are facing is getting closer and closer.

The elder Colin and the guild leader had already discovered the arrival of the Seven Gods, and they had guessed their conspiracy, but they didn't show it.

Seeing that the space for action is getting smaller and smaller, the elder Colin hurriedly looked at the president beside him with a question in his eyes.

The chairman shook his head, indicating that it is not easy to do it now.

The circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the seventeen Seven Gods powerhouses are no longer hiding.

Looking at the elder Colin and the president in front of them, everyone thought that they were already the policemen in their dreams, and they simply escaped from their encirclement.

···Seek flowers 0.

The seventeen Seven Gods powerhouses no longer hide their statures, and each and every one of them is now in front of the elder Colin and the guild leader.

A strong man of the Seven Gods, standing in front of the two, said arrogantly.

"Elder Colin, our Great Elder invites you to be a guest. Can Elder Colin save face?"

The seventeen Seven Gods powerhouses quietly waited for Elder Lin's reply, but after five minutes too late, Elder Ke Lin kept his head down and didn't say a word.

The silence of the elder Colin made the Seven Gods powerhouse who had just spoken a little angry.

"Old guy, it seems that you are courting death, and the brothers will give it to me."

"Kill the old guy, leave the woman with the mask behind, and we'll have a good time for a while.

The people around laughed with great interest.

The elder Colin stood beside the guildmaster. The strong man had just finished speaking when he saw the guildmaster beside him, clenching his silver teeth and clenching his fists.

With a grin in his eyes, the president pressed a switch in his hand.

"Boom, boom."

With two loud noises, the elder Kelin and the guild leader who were surrounded by the Seven Gods powerhouses suddenly raised their heads, a crimson light flashed in their eyes, and a huge fire suddenly appeared all over their bodies.

The light of this fire came suddenly, and before the seventeen Seven Gods powerhouses could react, a huge shock wave rushed towards them.

The powerful shock wave is accompanied by the energy that destroys the sky and the earth, and the standard armors on the seventeen Seven Gods powerhouses can only resist for a short time, and then they burst open immediately.

Seventeen of the Seven Gods powerhouses died in an instant under this impact.

The remaining ten Seven Gods powerhouses were also seriously injured under the impact of this explosion.

The ten remaining Seven Gods powerhouses stared blankly at the wreckage on the ground and the damaged standard armor on their bodies.

They hadn't woken up from the explosion they just went around, and had no idea what was going on.

"Why did this happen? Didn't the people from the World Chamber of Commerce be surrounded?"

Looking at the wreckage all over the ground, as well as the dead clansmen around them, the ten seven gods who survived fell into panic one by one.