The Diverging Dungeon I

After getting the information I needed, I began heading back to the guild.

This group, the Enigmas... they've been around for quite some time now since the beginning of the new age. It's composed of powerful selected individuals that have the power to destroy kingdoms and wreak havoc in other realms. Surprisingly, one of the members is actually the demon king.

But that was confusing. Why would the king of paragon be partnering with the Enigmas? Why would he even work with them, even though a common enemy, the demon king, is a part of it? There is no other explanation except that he is most likely one of the members of the Enigmas.

Maybe it's because of his power of kings that he was chosen to be a part of the Enigmas. Because he is an immortal being that can't be killed except by his own kin, or old age.

Anyway, enough about that stupid king, I have the prince to worry about now.