Chapter 18

I woke up feeling horrible. Today is my wedding day. An unwanted wedding day.

"Morning, boss said get dressed and meet him at the alter" Someone said.

The wedding dressed was chucked at me and the strange woman left and slammed the door behind her.

I thought I had to get use to this so I decided to wash myself at the sink and get dressed and try to do my hair the best I can.

( 1 hour later)

So here I am in my wedding dress about to get married to a man I hate. I always assumed my groom would be my mate, Leo and I would have his babies and settle down. I need to find a way to see if I got pregnant last night by that man and if I was, escape before I start to show otherwise I could never escape and would be tied to him for the rest of my life.

I put on a brave face and started to walk to the place where I would be married. Maybe I could take a mental note of things around me and find a way to get it to Leo. Leo.... My heart aches for him. I hope he knows I don't want to do this.

(Here comes the bride plays)

At the wedding is some kind of priest, a few other people and HIM, Thomas and then I saw Jamie and his family there and thank god I have one friendly face. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. Urgggg... who am I kidding? This is the worst thing that could happen to me. What am I going to do.

"We are here today as a symbol of their love....." The priest started.

The next thing I knew is guns going off and someone pulling me out of the way. Jamie.

"Jamie, what's going on?"

"I have been in touch with Leo these past few days and I thought this wedding was a good distraction to get them in to this compound without anyone knowing"

"Oh thank you, for everything, you are a good friends"

"Just promise you would get me and my family out of this"

"I promise"

"Good, there's a secret room with a locked door only I know about, come with me,you will stay there until this is over"

"Okay, stay with me, I want you to be safe"

"I can't, I got to help"

"NO, get your family and come back here, I can't lose you"

"Okay.... I'll be quick"

A minute later and the door swung open and it was Jamie and his family.

"Oh, thank god" I said hugging him.

"Leo, only Leo knows where we are"

I nodded, crying with such relief, it's finally over I thought.

At what felt like a century, the gun shots stopped and a little while later, I heard a faint voice. I didn't want to open the door in case I was wrong. The voice became louder and it was clear, it was Leo, but I was still frozen on the spot. So, Jamie opened the door and there was Leo. I jumped in his arms and he squeezed me tight.

"It's over" he whispered to me.

I looked at him and started crying

"It's over?" I questioned him.

"Everyone's dead"

"Dead? How's your people?"

"Everyone's okay, just cuts and bruises, they were more than happy to do if for the queen and most importantly their Luna"

"I love you so much" I said hugging him tighter.

"You can let me go now, no ones going anywhere anytime soon"

"Oh sorry"

"Oh, you must be Jamie" Leo said shaking this hands.

"Yes sir" Jamie replied.

"Thank you for looking after my girl, I must reward you"

"You don't have to, I'm glad to do it"

"No... you and your family are coming home with us and then we will figure out what job you might be suitable for and your kids can go to the nearby school, they are mainly for werewolves their mates but you are a part of our pack now so they won' t mind, especially when they find out what you have done for their soon to be Luna and queen"

"Thank you sir"

"Please call me Leo, you've earned it"

"Okay, thank you Leo"

"Speaking of queens, hows my mother and father?"

"They are worried death about you, I haven't told them yet because I wanted to be sure you was safe, ready to go home?"

I nodded "So ready"

Leo took my hand in his and we started walking and as we were, I noticed all of the carnage, especially Thomas, so I walked over and spat at him and whispered.

"If I am knocked up with your child, I will not be telling her/him about you, you don't deserve it, she or he will be raised by loving family. After I said that, I walked over to Leo who was waiting by the car and I hugged every single member of the pack, My people.

As we are out of the country, it was take 12 hours by plane. So, all of the way to the airport, I didn't let go of his hand, and I only did to get out of the car but I was soon back beside him holding his hand again. Forgot to mention, when I was in the safe room, I changed in to some clothes they had in there.

There was a couple of private planes waiting for us, Leo owned some planes and once I become queen, I will as well. We got on to the plane had something to eat and drink and about two hours in to the journey, I felt asleep. Some hours later, I felt a nudge and it was Leo telling me we arrived.

I looked out of the window and there was Leo's family, all of the waving and cheering.

"Leo?" I said pointing at them.

"I called them as soon as you fell asleep, I thought it would be nice to see their faces"

"Yes, it is" I said starting to tear up.


"Yeah baby?"

"Can we stop to see my parents before we go home?"

"Of course we can"

So, we took the long journey to the castle to see my parents. The pack left to go back home but Leo's family and Jamie and his family came with us. We got out of the car and walked up to the entrance and heard my mother's shouting strait away.

Leo walked in first.

"Oh Leo" I heard my Mom said.

"What's the status on my daughter?"

"Find out for yourself" and that was my cue to walk in.

"Amethyst" My mom said running to me and squeezing me.

"Mom, I kind of need to breathe"

"Oh sorry honey" she said letting me go.

"Do need sleep, food, drink?"

"No, Mom, I'm okay, I had all that on the plane"

"Did that man hurt you"

I nodded, "Can we talk later?"

"Of course, who's this handsome young man"

"This is Jamie, he helped Rescue me and this is his family. Everyone's dead, it's over" I said hugging her and crying.

"No, need to cry, your safe now, you should have a long bath and get dressing in your own clothes"

"Yeah, good idea, where's dad and everyone else"

"The kids are in their rooms and your dad was distraught when he found out you was missing so he's at his parents house for the day to calm down"

"Can we go there, I would love to see everyone".

"Of course honey"

After our talk, we went over to my grandparents house.

(Knock, Knock)

After a minute, the door opened and there was my father.

"Amethyst, thank god your okay, what happened" he asked me.

So after I told him, we sat down for a bit and caught up with him and my grandparents and then wanted to go back home to say goodbye to everyone and when back to Leo's for a bath and sleep it off. I knew I had to tell him about what happened but I'm too emotionally drained. I had a long bath in peace and when I came out, Leo was sat in the bed so I walked over, got under the covers and fell asleep back in his arms, the way it should be.