Saved By The Unknown

"Someone... anyone... please save me!"

It seemed like he was quite tensed because the situation was completely unfavourable to him.

Moreover, he didn't even know how he ended up being here.

So it was impossible for him to think of this as a reality because zombies and other things were only true in movies or in so called dreams.

But he felt the things and his surroundings, he understood that it was a bitter reality instead of some made up Dream.

He couldn't believe it, but it seemed to be true.

He accepted it, but right now he ended up being in a tough situation where he was completely surrounded by Zombies everywhere.

'How...? How did they find me?', he was confused at the same time too.

He knew that the zombies didn't have much of a Thinking capacity and thus they couldn't have possibly found him out just by following him.

Furthermore, he had run with all his might and had already outmatched their speed.

He was quite far enough from then to even get detected so it felt weird to be found so early.

But then when he took a look at his hand, he understood as to how he was found out.

'Damn... the blood...'

'The smell of this damn blood definitely attracted them!'

Earlier, he had placed his hand on a pool blood and probably had forgotten to wash it.

Right after that he ended up running but that didn't mean that the blood just vanished.

It still stayed in his palm for quite a long time and even now, despite being dried, it was emitting quite a strong scent which was attracting the zombies.

"No... why the heck did this happen!", he started to cuss:

But he knew one thing that the zombies responded to sound too so he tried to prevent himself from speaking much.

Although he couldn't help himself right now, he was desperately trying his best to stay alive.

But he kept on cursing himself again and again in his mind.

'Instead or stopping here if I had ran away to some other distant place...'

'Then probably I would have been safe...'

He kept thinking about the possibility of escaping if he hadn't made the poor choice of hiding here.

But that wasn't something that he could decide on his own because his body wasn't ready to listen to him since it was tried too after running a lot.

Now all he did was pray to be saved by someone because other than that, he couldn't do anything else.

'Please... save me...'


All of a sudden there was complete silence.

The door that was being banged since earlier and the sound that the zombies were making had stopped.

For some reason the whole world seemed quite peaceful for a brief minute.

"Did... did the zombies go away?"

Just as he had said that, suddenly the door blasted away.

It seemed like the zombies succeeded in breaking the door which was highly impossible since if they could do this, then they would have done it earlier.

He covered his ears and closed his eyes tightly because he was too afraid to face the reality of seeing himself getting eaten by the zombies.

He was about to make a Last wish while gritting his teeth tightly when all of a sudden he heard a voice.

"Stop crying like a baby and get up you fool!"

"Huh...?", he raised his head the moment he heard the arrogant and deep voice.

The moment he glanced at the person who was standing in front of him, his heart skipped a beat.

It seemed as if it was due to atmost happiness which he felt right now which was indescribable.

But at the same time he has another emotion that covered his face.

It seemed like he was quite shocked to see the person standing right in front of him.

"You... you are...", his voice was shaky and he didn't even have enough strength to utter his sayings properly.

Also, his throat had been dry since earlier which was barely hanging due to the dry saliva which he was consuming.

"You... how can it be...?"

But it did seem like he was too surprised to see rhenperson standing right before him.

His eyes widened and the secretion Of adrenalin increased.

His hairs on the skin also stood up as if he was experiencing goodebumps just by looking at the man who was standing right in front of him.

"Just get up and...", the man who was standing in front of him was basically ordering him and was asking him to get on his legs when all of a sudden some other sounds were heard too.

'Tap Tap Tap'

The man almost immediately turned back while saying, "There are still left? Prepare your doom!"

The moment he turned back, he was covered with red light and his body transformed.

Suddenly he had a big black sword in his hand while a horn was grown out of left side of the head.

There were many red coloured marks like inscriptions all over the left side of his face.

It seemed as if he was going to attack at the thing that was coming right now towards him when all of a sudden another voice was heard which made him calm down and return to the previous state in which he was.

"No brother! It's not a zombie! It's me!", a voice was heard from the distant entrance.

A boy then soon appeared who had complete white hair. He was holding a weird book which was radiating some amount of energy.

"Ah, it's you..."

Right after that he deactivated the transformation and just stood there.

"Yes brother, I have taken care of the rest. There is no more zombie within the radius of 500 m.", he said with a smile.


Then he turned his head back and said, "Listen to me Shiro, I have something important to tell to you..."


"Huh...? Wait... my name... how do you know my name?", Shiro asked the moment he heard him say that.



To be continued...