A Bite Was All It Took...

"So? So what?" She asked herself and sighed. She looked up in front of her when a teacher got into the class. Shiro suddenly jerked when he felt something. He did not know why he jerked but he felt something strange.

He looked behind him to know if somebody had tried to play by tickling him or doing something rough. But there was nobody. Be stared down the passageway and looked around again. But he saw nothing. It couldn't have been anything. He felt something within that second, and it felt quite horrifying. Just as he was thinking, he heard a sound downstairs. He could hear voices speak quietly.

He went down the rails and looked down. The proprietor was with some of the teachers and the gym teacher was there as well. He guessed they were discussing something about the upcoming inter-school competition which was coming. Just as they were talking, a man walked up to the school gate and began to make strange noises. Shiro felt that thing again and he jerked instantly again. Now he discovered what was happening to him.

He did discover what exactly caused what he was experiencing but he knew the part of his body where that discomfort came from. He looked down at his wrist. It was coming from inside his shirt. His shirt covered the part of his hand where he felt pain. He began to unbuckle the buttons. When he was done with that, he began to roll up his sleeves, exposing his hand. He nearly jumped away in fear when he saw that.

The mark on his hand was moving. It seemed to have been given life and there were also numbers on his hand. It was like a countdown or something that looked like a particular rank. He could not understand what it was despite trying. Was he dreaming?! He asked himself again and again. Was he dreaming or was this real? He found it hard to believe.

He staggered back I'm afraid and flailed his arms about, shouting. But no one hears him. He was terrified when he looked at his arm again and saw that there. It hadn't moved. He scratched his eyes to make sure that he wasn't seeing things. But he was. He was not going to take the risk of asking someone if he was the same thing to avoid being the freak of the school. He was going to keep it to himself for the moment.

He began to breathe heavily and his heart began to race frantically. He quickly rolled down his sleeves when he heard footsteps approaching him. He leaned on the wall with his eyes wide. He looked down to make sure that the teachers had not noticed his weird behaviour. Luckily they didn't. They were all interested in what was happening at the gate.

The man was still making strange noises at the gate. He looked lost but he was well dressed. He peeked closely and discovered that something was not right about him. And as he looked at the man, the more he felt something in the marrow. The more he felt it the more the strange mark in his arm twitched painfully. From where he was he could see the weak state of the man's body. He jumped back and screamed in fear when he saw a text dancing in the air.

At first, he did not know what was written on it because he was too shocked to read. He slapped himself so hard that he would wake up from his dream but it was not a dream, it was real. He calmed down soon and read the text in front of him. It explained how weak the man's star of mind was and how his head had been corrupted. It further read that he was an enemy that needed to be killed.

Shiro staggered back in fear when he saw that. First of all, it was the dream, then it was about the weird sign that appeared on his arm and now it was some texts dancing in the air, commanding him to kill someone who did nothing. He had never killed a roach. Why would he kill a human being? All these thoughts went in and out of his head at that moment.

"Who's that? He looks strange." The proprietress said as she gazed at the gate. The man was still there, trying to push the gate open.

"Excuse me, but what do you think you're doing?" The gym teacher said as he braced himself to beat the hell out of this man. Was he thinking? He guessed that the man was a drunk who had drunk himself to a stupor at a nearby bar and had come to chase trouble for them.

"Quit that!" The proprietress barked at the man.

"Ah-ah. Mrs Bradford. I will take care of him" the gym teacher said and went instead. He was unaware of the bite-like mark that the man had behind him. Immediately, the texts reappeared warning Shiro to stop the gym teacher from going to the man at the gate.

How he was supposed to do that? He was still in a state of shock and he could not understand what the hell was going on. He watched as the gym teacher went to the gate and grabbed the man by the throat. The text warned Shiro to stop the man immediately but how could he do that? He couldn't just walk over to a teacher and command him to stop what he was doing. He would be punished heavily for that.

"Hei, take it easy." One of the female teachers cautioned, thinking he was doing that to impress the proprietress.

"Woah, Mr Edison. Don't resort to violence." She said but it was too late at that point. The man grunted like a kind of animal before it grabbed Mr Edison wanted to take his hand off but its grasp was too strong. He watched in horror as the man savagely bent towards his hand and had a bite.