Paying Your Assassins (3)

They were coming for us but they would surely not be able to cross the barricade that had been laid on top of the stairs because they had lost their sense of reasoning. They couldn't climb or break. They would just push, and thankfully the barricade was a very strong one, so if it was going to fall then it would be months of pushing, considering how weak-minded they were. That was our only hope and the moment. And we were not going to go back on it.

I watched in horror as Selena stood there, not responding to my calls. I screamed at her to get the hell out of there immediately but she wasn't listening. I got angry immediately but I didn't dare to go down. Unless I would be transformed into them. She stood there, ready to attack the flesh-eating monster that was coming toward her. She waited with her knife at the ready. It seemed she wanted to die.

I continued to call her name to run up but she didn't seem to hear me. She was transfixed to the spot staring at the minister as I walked toward her slowly. Anger and hate burned through me at that moment, as I watched her. I recognized the monster when I saw him. He was no longer a human being. He was now a monster and he was going to eat me no matter how close we were when he hadn't lost his sense of reasoning. That was the most painful thing about this daylight nightmare.

Our best friends could no longer recognize us as they turn into what we do not know. The guy who was coming used to be my friend. But he was not among my best friends though. He was groaning as he came. The growls were like he was saying something. Something I couldn't understand. But I was not going to hear whatever he wanted to say. He was no longer one of us and I had to do something about him immediately else I would die horribly like them and turn into the monster they were. Selena was still standing there as it got closer and closer.

Finally, it came to her. With a shout, she raised the sharp knife and stabbed it in the heart. It groaned and fell to its knees. Selena took out the knife and began to run up the stairs but it grabbed her ankle and began to push her toward it.

One thing about these things was that they could do things very tightly so that they would not have the chance to escape. She began to cry as the monster came closer and closer to her. It was going to eat her. And I wouldn't mind losing her because she chose to let her guard down at the end despite all the warnings that I had given her. She was going to pay for not listening. Tears began to well up in my eyes seeing that she would soon become one of them.

"What are you doing?" Klaus screamed at her, still finding it unbelievable that she stood there and waited for the monster to come to her before she hit it. Was she aware of what she was doing to herself? Was she aware that as a woman she was probably weaker than them and they could grasp and pull her close so easily?

I had lost all hope when I saw her being dragged by the monster. But Klaus had not lost hope and that was what saved her in the end. The monster continued to drag her until she was out of reach between us. It gnarled and saliva drooled from its mouth. I watched in horror as it ventured down towards her to eat her but thankfully Klaus was alert.

"But? You are supposed to die!" Selena said as she screamed and kicked and flailed her arms about and cursed. But it was too late for her now. Well too late for me.

"No go away " she cried out as she tried to turn towards us for help. But as she was midway into turning her head around, the monster dragged her farther. With a scream, Klaus began to run down the staircase.

With a scream, he got to the monster and kicked it away. It let go of Selena's leg and fell as blood poured from its jaw. Klaus had been able to do that even with the pain that was in his arm. He had been bitten but it was a very small bite. So it would not affect much before it healed. It was based on hope, I did not know if he would turn to one of them soon. "Klaus!" Selena said as she grabbed Klaus tight and gasped instead of breathing. For a moment she felt that her life was going to be tossed away like that. I didn't care.

If anything happened to her then she deserved it. Why would she do what she had just done? How could she have stood back waiting for a monster that was that slow? I scowled at her before going down to help her up. If she continued to lie down like that thanking Klaus for saving her life then they would soon come and grab her again. That was something she was not aware of. I growled impatiently as I looked down there.

"Are you going to sit down there all day until they get here? Get up and come along immediately!!!" I screamed at them and they stood up immediately.

"You're just incredible Selena! What the hell did you just do? You just put yourself in danger! You ignored my warnings!" I said, grabbing her by the arm and forcefully drawing her up the stairs with me as Klaus ran up front. Maybe if I didn't hold that way she would put herself in another danger and I was not ready to lose her to these monsters. Klaus cautioned her as he ran, holding his arm and wincing in pain occasionally.