The Greatest Sufferrer

The only hope now was that they would come back for them and save them from all this mess that was happening. That was the only hope they had now.

"But where did they come from, there is no base around here." Klaus said, standing again. They had their hope at the edge of the seat when the helicopters came but they fell into what looked like depression. The helicopters went past without doing anything.

"Saves us!" Selena shouted, waving frantically at the helicopters that had already gone away. She flailed her arms in the air, crying loudly. They were in for some real trouble. But they should have been saved, Selena thought as they walked back dejectedly. She felt broken and defeated even as Shiro advised her to calm down and wait for them to return. That was the hope he was clinging on to and It did not seem like it was going to happen. They had not even said anything but just flew away after being on the air for a while.

"Don't bother." Shiro told her, knowing that they were not coming back at that moment. Maybe they had important stuff to attend to, he thought. But whatever it was, it wasn't more than their lives. They surely noticed that they were alive, why hadn't they come to help them out. Tired he sighed dejectedly and moved towards the rest who were walking back toward the barricade. They had to get over the barricade immediately and stay there.

Who knows, help might come. But they were quite hopeless at the moment, having been surrounded by these monsters. There was no room for escape. If they chose to run out of the school, they would surely get grabbed by one and get killed immediately. One of them might survive though but probably wasn't going to last. He still couldn't believe his eyes as he looked down from the roof. The streets were filled to the brim, with now senseless human beings walking around, eating whoever that wasn't like them.

His leg was already beginning to ache from the long run. He had never run that far in his entire life. He was not a sporty type, so he got used to it. Selena was still trying to catch her breath. She was covered in sweat as she sat there, not caring how she sat, exposed.

"They wouldn't come all the way out here unless they had a reason to. They're probably on a special mission. They don't have the time to save us. They are not even doing anything about this." Klaus said, trying to give them the hope to hang on to. He leaned back on the wall and collapsed on the ground with his hand around his head. It was a relief that they had been able to survive the first chapter of the attack. What was left now was to find a way to get out of here immediately.

"You could try to escape down there even though it's a total mess." Klaus said, the pain had already eased but that part of his arm was still pulsating. He wondered what was going on in there as he stared at his arm.

"Someone please help!" Selena cried out again, making Shiro more angry. Why was she so dumb hadn't she learned that noise attracted them. They went wherever they heard noise. The slightest noise could attract them.

"Owww. Can you please shut the f*ck up Selena! Noise will bring them here!" Shiro stood and whisper-yelled at her. He was not looking happy at all. He scowled at her, asking to fall in line immediately. She was not the greatest sufferer. Klaus had already been bitten and he was not making noise like her. He remained calm despite everything, yet she was so noisy.

She cowered immediately and shut her mouth. There were no such things as embarrassments now, the only thing that mattered right now was to find a way to survive and get the hell out of this place. Klaus shut his eyes tight and took in a deep breath.

"I wonder what's going on inside school." He said and turned towards Shiro who was looking in his direction. There was no weird sound or gurgle in his voice. Or a growl that told him that everything was not okay with him. He seemed not to have been affected. Maybe the bite was not serious after all. But he remembered how the other man had been bitten at the gate. It was not so big but there was blood.

He was hopeful that Klaus had recovered, perhaps he had been able to stay to this point without feeling anything. He looked up and stared into the clouds before he asked him.

"Do you think think are any survivors?" He asked. He didn't believe there were any, considering what he saw outside. How the monsters milled about, prowling and preying. There might have been survivors though, he thought.

Those who understood what was happening could lock themselves up in one of the labs and wait until everything ended. That was his last thought before he closed his eyes, thinking that everything was OK. He racked his brain to think about what they should do next bit he was constantly disturbed by a certain sound. It was like a sob. As though someone was crying.

He looked up above his shoulders and saw who it was. It was Selena. He felt the instant urge to go towards her and give her another slap. Why couldn't she get it, why couldn't she just understand that they were in danger if they made any noise.


Meanwhile at school.

Both girls walked warily as they neared the corridor. They were pretty much aware that these strange people were nearby. They had not yet understood the mystery that was behind people turning into them but they knew that there was trouble. They knew that they were going to turn into monsters if they ever got caught.