
"We're being attacked by corpses. But this is no movie or video game. So they're them." Klaus muttered to himself as he shut his eyes tight. He could not understand what was happening to him. It seemed as if wbey blood in his body was rushing to his head. He grabbed his head and grimaced in pain. The others were jot looking his way because they did ktk understand what was happening to him.

They could not understand because we're not the ones who were experiencing it, he thought as he lay back there, tears beginning to cloud his vision. He began to gasp slowly and quietly. As much as he tried to repress the pain, it got worse. He growled and at the same time grabbed the ground to prevent the gurgle from leaving his throat. He did not want to put his friends at the risk of being bitten by him. He knew that his time was coming soon when he would die and reincarnate as a walking dead.

And he could not imagine what it would look like if his friends joined him and began to walk around like him, looking for who to kill. It was very sad that he could not correct the mistake again. He could not go back in time and play real. He had chosen to fake, and that was what was going to kill him now. He was going to die for following his ego and not using his head. He looked around and saw the banisters. It would be very easy to jump down from there and die.

That would give him an easy death since these walking dead died when they were being hit in the head. If he could fall on his head then that would solve the whole problem. His friends would not be put at the risk of being hitten by him. He had always wanted the best for her, and seeing that she really cares for him brought tears to hi ees. Things could have been better if they had gone together. He wanted her to see how strong he was but in the end he ended up distracting himself.

"They eat people and whoever gets eaten comes back as one of them. Ah I don't understand why but the only way to kill them is with a blow to the head." He muttered again, grabbing his head and his breathing got faster. He shut his eyes tight again and continued to die in pain. It took him all his strength to stop himself from shouting and crying out. Life was slowly seeping out of him and his death was slowly dragging close. He wondered what would become of him after he must have died. And what would become of his friends.

He wondered if they were going to survive the whole attack and join the rest who might be still alive. He knew that not everyone was dead. There were definitely those who were still alive. He was like that for five minutes before his body began to get hotter. He touched his forehead and discerned that he had a fever. His head burned and all his body soon started to experience the hotness that he was experiencing in his head alone.

"So what do we do?" Selena asked Shiro who continued to look around. He looked ahead and saw that there was also a safer place after the barricade. If they could get there then it would ensure them maximum security.

But they were going to make sure they didn't make any sound at all. He began to look around to know if he would see anything with which they would block the barricade. "Get up there. We will block the stairs. Let's go!" He said as he glanced at Klaus who opened his left eye as if he had been thinking. He was shaking and his teeth were chattering. His whole body was trembling like he was shape-shifting.

"W-why? Why is this happening? There must be a reason. If we knew the reason, we could figure out what to do. '' Selena told Shiro. They stood up immediately and left. Klaus managed to repress the feeling until the evening. He was surprised that he could have carried the disease that long without changing. He had seen others who changed in less than thirty seconds. He was giving others the false hope that he was OK.

Shiro had ignored the signs that the texts gave jim earlier about leaving Klwus who was infected. They soon got to the barricade, got across it and went up the stairs where he thought would be pretty much better for them. He thought that if they could stay there in the man time and avoid making noise noise they would not be besieged. The sky soon began to get dark, telling them that night was coming.

And from the way that the clouds gathered ,they knew that a rain was imminent. They had already found shelter. The dark clouds continued to gather and gather, making the cloud even more darker. They had to go in now. Klaus, who was shivering by the corner, wanted to suggest that they get a matchstick that would help them see in the darkness, but he was too sick to say so.

He could no longer hide his sickness, it had gotten out of control and he was shaking, his whole teeth chattering. Selena was beside him, stroking his hair and asking repeatedly if he was OK. He would always nod his head as he began to shake again. Thinking that he had healed, she thought that the fever was a result of the shock he had gone through. Shiro was the only one who knew the true state of things.

He knew that he was soon going to die. Klaus suggested they got something because he knew that his time was very near. "Let's look for some lighter or some matches in the observatory. If we don't make a fire now, we won't be able to see them at ni-" He was interrupted when he coughed out blood. He struggled to stand up, very much aware that his title had come.