A Woman's Pride

Chapter 33 - A Woman's Pride

In the long run, she noticed that one of them she had struck down was still alive. They turned around when they heard something stir. The boy was on the floor, blood running down his nose.

  He had been bitten on the leg and it seemed the virus had crossed his abdomen and was heading for his brain where it would take over and turn into a completely different creature- from a human being to a zombie.

  He growled and squealed as he dragged himself towards them, blood pouring down from his belly which had been cut into two. 

He was the only one who was not beheaded and that was why he survived. A fatal blow in the head killed them off immediately. 

He could be treated if more parts of his body were cut but it would be a gory scene. So there was nothing that could be done other than finish him off completely. 

"Tell me what your name is?" The lady said to Riley who responded immediately.