Promulgation And Charisma

In that one particular way they were able to maintain their dynasty and promulgate their belief towards the people of other countries and of the alps as well. That was what increased their success a hundred times. That was the secret that they had been hiding from the rest of the world and that sweat gave them the fame and the power that they seemingly yielded over the world..

  They dominated every single place they were and were proud of it. But people didn't know about that, people never knew the amount of suffering and hard work and smartwork that they had to go through before they were able to make it to the top. People never appreciated the effort or the hard work. 

They only accepted and appreciated the result. But where it got pretty bad with the people of the alps was the fact that people were also.castigating the great effort they made and the astonishing achievement they had made over time. It was so surprising to them though.