A System?

"Unit 429 9280100\90@--_--/24964 wishes to establish contact with host" "Requesting access"


"Jake wake up… you're going to be late"


"Hmm…" Still groggy he groaned in annoyance. The loud piercing noise from his alarm meant he was going to be late if he didn't get up now. Beams of sun rays passed through the slit between the curtains illuminating the sleeping figure on the bed. Dark black locks and pale skin in contrast. He flinched from the bright light and reflexively covered his eyes. Turning away his pulled his hand out to shut that noisy thing. Anymore and he'd get a head ache instead. Stretching out his arms he yawned.

"Unit 429 9280100\90@--_--/24964 wishes to establish contact with host" "Requesting access"

Huh? He just heard something. Jake looked around. Where did that come from? Am I hearing things? He got off his bed and looked around. Walked up to the window and opened the curtains wide open; he could see his neighbour's cat jump over the fence landing on their flower bed again. Kelly was struggling to walk her dog and Peter from the house across was floating in his sleep. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Unit 429 9280100\90@--_--/24964 wishes to establish contact with host" "Requesting access"

"???!" Ok this time he really heard it. Were in the world did that come from?

"Unit 429 9280100\90@--_--/24964 wishes to establish contact with host" "Requesting access"

What?! Wait a minute. Unit what? While he contemplated this strange announcement he came to a sudden realisation. Is this a system? No way. Did I finally hit the jackpot? And without a second thought he said "Accept"

"Access granted establishing channel"


Ok …..

Nothing is happening. Maybe I should wait some more.


"Jake are you up? Get down here we need to leave in 30 minutes"

Sigh. Jake carried on with his morning chores. It was an important day for him. It was the entrance exam for Hunter's Academy. He's been studying and practicing for months. In a world where ability users existed the competition was tough for non-ability users like him. The criteria for qualifying in the scholarly and physical tests were extremely high. Just getting into the academy was a feat to show pride. It was 6:40 in the morning and he has to leave by 7:00. He did a few stretching and then took a quick shower.

After getting ready Jake was about to head down when he heard a soft knock on the door.

"Jake, are you ready. Please come down for breakfast we have leave in a few minutes."

Jake walked to the door and opened it. Standing at the door was a dainty young man. With fluffy brown hair till his cheeks and deep green eyes, Stephen was the housekeeper hired by his family. He looked at the charming young man smiled and nodded. The two went down the stairs, walked through the lobby and entered the dining room. In the dining room was an overexcited girl screaming at the top of her lungs. This is Stacy my cousin. She came over to my place since hers was too far away from the exam centre.

"Hurry up we're going to be late" she puffed impatiently

"There is still an hour till reporting time though…" "I have to be there before my oppa arrives"

For someone who's only going to watch, she sure is excited. That's right this girl isn't taking the test she's just going to support her idol. Your own cousin is taking the test, where is the moral support for me? As much as he wished to yell that out loud he didn't. Last time he made such complains he was forced to hear Stacy fangirling on and on about how her idol was so much better than him. After grumbling a bit, he sat down for breakfast. A light and balanced meal, Stephen was always meticulous about such things.

"Channel established ..... connecting"

"Hello human"


He almost spit out his food. Cough… cough… "Jake are you alright here have some water" Stephen passed a glass of water. " "It's alright I just swallowed wrong"

'Wth… Wasn't I hearing things when he woke up?'

"Rejoice human this is not auditory hallucination. It's 100% real"

'Wait are you reading my mind?'

"No I am communicating with you through the channel I established using mana particles…."

'So you are like talking to me in my mind.'

"Yes! yes I am using a string of mana particles to communicate directly to your consciou..."

'Wow that's so cool. I didn't know mana could be used this way. So what are you.'

"Don't cut me off! .... Anyway I am 583100/5647966\--575_8621756001\\54255\*^*\258.....





'Stop I don't get it and its starting to hurt my head.' He rubbed his forehead and his eyebrows creased from the pain. Stephen who noticed this probed him if he was alright and kept asking for his wellbeing. After a while Jake finally managed to convince him that he was fine and just felt tired.

"We're done lets go" Stacy got off her chair and stormed out. Stephen tidied the table while Jake checked his belongings. He pulled his smart watch checked time and then went through few documents. While he was busy two little dumplings pattered in, one was rubbing his eye while the other held his brother half asleep.

"Jake gud luk"

Noticing his little brothers Jake knelt and pulled them into a hug. His head ache started to subside and his face drew a smile. He gently patted their heads. "Don't worry, big brother is going to ace this exam"

After he left the two in Stephen's care he walked out. Stacy was already waiting in front of the car with a large bag. The two of them got in. She quickly entered the address of the exam venue into the GPS. Confirm and go. The in-build AI assistant in the car automatically chimed its pre-recorded message and the car began to move.

Jake sighed. The sharp head ache he received subsided. He began to ponder about this SYSTEM he had obtained. What was that? It said something but he I didn't get it.

"That was my unique identification code. It appears your brain unable to process and understand this information."


"Regardless I will proceed with the next step." And so it began to spew out loads of information, most of which Jake did not bother to pay attention.

Two minutes later

The system finally stopped after successfully relaying the primary information.

"And so I would like to request…."

'So what are you?'


"I just said that ….. like all this time"

'Yaa... about that, can you summarise it'
