
Elena Almodiel wasn't pleased with Kristofer. She understood that he wanted to be there for his fiancé in her time of grieving.

But leaving his duties behind was something the board of directors looked down upon. If he wanted to win them over, he should have made it the top priority.

Awaiting her son's return, Elena sat in the living room of his unit. One thing she could be proud of was that Kristofer was tidy. His apartment was always clean.

Even before he moved out of their house, he had always been like this.

Compared to some, Kristofer cleaned up after his mess and she knew for a fact that Kristofer didn't hire any house help nor cook or any of that sort to look after his place and his clothes.

He could have. He had the money and capacity to do so. But, her son chose not to do it.

Kristofer chose to live a life of independence. He prepares his own food, he takes care of his laundry and his condo unit is always clean.