Wedding bells

"You're nervous."

Nikki took note of Anna's shaking hands. She was wearing a simple white dress and only a light trace of powder and lipstick colored her face.

Even then she looked beautiful.

"Well, who in their right mind would get married in the middle of the night?"

"You." Anna chuckled and Nikki joined her shortly.

"I can't believe that this is happening." Anna took a deep breath and released it. She stared at Nikki before throwing herself at her.

She hugged her tight, her nerves making her jittery.

"Wedding jitters," Nikki rubbed her back. Even she herself couldn't quite grasp that her best friend, Anna, who shunned people out when her heart got broken, was getting married.

It was almost hard to believe, but there they were. There she was, a nervous and excited bride.

The small bathroom of the chapel was starting to get suffocated. Nikki put a hand on Anna's arm.

"Come on then, let's not keep Kristofer waiting."