Chapter 3: A Queen and a Pack Mule

New-Portland, Oregon 4 Years Ago

"I can't believe we're here!" Himari groaned, turning to Kai as the plane came to a halt on the runway of the Portland International Airport. It was the first time in almost 4 years that Mai Hinata had gotten some vacation time, and she had decided to take Himari and Kai to Mount St. Helens in Washington state. Kai had clamped his eyes shut and clenched his fists against the arms of the chair as they landed, causing Himari to scrunch her face as she looked at him.

"You're still such a wuss!" she said, sticking her tongue out at him as the "fasten your seatbelt" sign finally faded.

"Himari, don't give him such a hard time, heights can be scary," Mai Hinata said, trying to reassure him.

Himari simply slumped against the seat, rolling her eyes. "He's the one who chose the window seat," she said as she stood up, stretching her arms over her head and letting out a yawn. "I mean come on... don't you climb buildings and things all the time during work?" Himari asked as she stepped over Kai, trying to get into the aisle as the passengers were dismissed.

When the feeling of having his throat inside his stomach had subsided, he slowly stood up on shaky legs, grabbing the backs of chairs as he made his way to the front of the plane. Just then he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Mei smiling down at him.

"Don't take her too seriously, she's just doing it because that's what sisters are for."

He nodded but didn't turn. "I'm used to it by now. I mean, I've lived in the same house with her for how long?" he asked as he made his was way off the plane.

Right away it was clear to Kai why Ms. Hinata had chosen the destination she did. His blue eyes trailed along the area in amazement. Even though the sky was dark and overcast, it was clear that this place was extremely beautiful. The landscape around the airport runway had mixtures of greens, reds, pinks, and blues. The next step was to get a rental car, which wasn't much to look at, but fit their needs.

As Ms. Hinata drove Kai's eyes were glued out the window. "You act as though you've never seen trees and stuff before," Himari said with a slight sneer.

"It's so cold back home, usually the trees are covered all in snow." He felt a jab at his shoulder.

"Well, it is winter, you idiot."

Kai just shook his head silently as he continued to watch the scenery fly by.

"And yet...we're going to the mountains," Himari said under her breath.

"Mom asked what you wanted to do on vacation and you said go skiing. You can't really complain when the whole thing was your idea," he said with a smirk.

"Says the one who wanted to go on his first airplane ride and was nauseous the whole way," Himari shot back.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty for us to do," came Ms. Hinata's voice from the front seat. Himari crossed her arms over her chest as she looked out her own window.

"Maybe after a day or two on the mountain, we can come to the greener area," Kai suggested.

"I think that's a good idea," Ms. Hinata called out in agreement.

It didn't take too much longer for the terrain to get a bit rough. The scenery began to change, too, as they got closer to the mountaintop and it started to look more familiar.

"It is a bit strange though, going on vacation to a place that's a lot like home," Kai said suddenly.

"It's winter here," Ms. Hinata chimed in. "I'm actually surprised it's not raining below the mountain. I have a friend who is based here—it's actually her cabin we're going to be using."

Finally, the car came to a stop in front of a cabin that was surrounded by a small forest. There was a bit of white slush on the ground, but not much.

"Wait, how are we supposed to ski in this?" Himari groaned as she stepped out of the car and bent down on her knees to scoop up a small bit of the slush.

"We'll have to get settled for today. According to the weather report there's supposed be a fresh blanket of snow by this evening around ten o'clock," Ms. Hinata explained as she got out of the car, followed by Kai.

"Hello!" came a voice from inside the house. Himari turned around to see a woman about as tall has Ms. Hinata with long, black hair. "Himari, it's been so long—how are you, dear?" the woman asked as she smiled brightly.

"Mrs. Konataro, a pleasure," Himari said with a half bow.

"Oh, please," Mrs. Konataro said shaking her head. "Your mom really has taught you well, but there's no reason to be so formal, we're all friends after all."

Straightening up, Himari smiled. "Yeah, that's true. Old habits, I suppose."

Himari had first met Mrs. Konataro during a standardized meeting held at the house. The company was discussing some matter that she hadn't understood at the time, but the woman looked so regal she had to give her respect as she spoke. Since then the Konataro family had come over many times for less standard reasons, such as dinners, lunches, and even just little visits.

Just then Kai came up from behind, his eyes glued on the woman. "Oh, so you must be Kai," Mrs. Konataro said as she stepped closer. "Believe it or not, we have met before, though indirectly. When you first came to live with the Hinata's I came over to check things out. You're turning into quite the young man." She smiled, ushering the group inside.

The inside of the cabin looked way more together than the outside. The floors were made of reddish wooden planks. There was a small kitchen with a wood stove, a small refrigerator, and a dishwasher tucked into a row of low shelves. Connected to the kitchen and living room was a small hallway leading to four rooms with two on each side of the hall. It looked cozy, but for some reason Kai felt uneasy to the point where Mrs. Konataro's speech was lost in translation.

"Hey...Earth to Kai..." Suddenly he was brought out of his thoughts by Himari's voice.


Himari didn't look pleased at all with his response.

Just then a new feeling of fear rushed through him. He backed away, quickly turning toward Ms. Konataro. She must have seen the unnerved expression on Kai's face, because she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, that's probably just Karen. Your mother isn't the only one who took in someone affected by the vampires. Karen is a wolf just getting used to her senses, so she might find you a little strange."

Himari leaned on the arm of the small couch in the living room. "American?" she asked.

Ms. Konataro gave a nod. "She had been passed through the system since the incident, and her last family moved here before sending her back into the system. Poor dear has been through a lot."

Kai could feel the girl's eyes on him, but she must have been behind a wall or an object in the hallway because he couldn't see her. "So, her family was attacked as well?" Kai asked for clarification.

"Yes, but not like yours, dear. They worked for the American branch of the VHA and were killed during an assignment." Himari's facial expression seemed to drop just then. "Don't worry, your mother is the best there is." Himari smiled as she slung her backpack over her shoulder. She knew that what Ms. Konataro had said was true, but still, when worry crept in, it was nice to be reminded.

"So, my room is all the way down the hall, right?" Ms. Konataro nodded as she ushered her forward.

"Go ahead and put your things down then look around if you want. You too, Kai." It took a minute before Kai finally regained the ability to walk and headed down the hall where he was directed.

His room was diagonal from Himari's. It was small compared to what he was used to, but the necessities were there: a bed, a small cupboard for clothes, a closet, and a small dresser in the far corner for extra space. He put his bag at the corner of his bed when suddenly he heard something. Stopping, he turned but didn't see a thing. With a slight shrug he went back to his unpacking when suddenly he felt something hit the back of his head. It didn't hurt, but the initial shock caused him to jump slightly as he whipped around looking at the door. Still nothing. He looked down at the floor to see what looked like a small pebble, probably from the outside next to the front door. Rubbing the back of his head he got up slowly and walked towards the door, peeking around.

There was a girl who seemed to be his age, but her flaming hair and pale skin gave away that she was indeed a foreigner. His smile was quickly replaced by a straight face when he saw her eyes. They were a bright yellow split right down the middle, quickly replaced by a hazel color as she backed into what he figured was her room. Kai had listened to what their host had said about the girl, but something about this seemed...personal. He sighed, backing up into his room, shutting the door, and leaning his back against it. Jeez, he thought.

A few hours later, after just lying on the bed and getting lost in his thoughts, he heard a knock on his door. Part of him just wanted to stay locked in. After all, it seemed there was a wolf with a vendetta against him. Slowly he got up from the bed and walked to the door, each step heavier than the last. "W…who's there?" he asked, feeling both worried and kind of pathetic.

"It's me," came a familiar voice from the outside. He opened the door to see Himari standing there, arms crossed. "Mom wanted me to tell you it's time for dinner. What I want to know is, what the hell are you doing? Get out here and be social!" He grabbed her by the arm, pulling her inside. "Whoaaaa?! Hey?!" In a quick motion he closed the door quickly behind them.

"Ok, that girl Karen hates me!" he hissed in a hushed tone.

Rolling her eyes, Himari sighed. "Don't you think you're being paranoid? You remember what Ms. Konataro said, she's a budding wolf just getting used to her instincts and abilities."

Kai shook his head. "She threw a pebble at me and when I came out her eyes were bright yellow."

Himari thought for a moment. "Well, that is what happens when they go on the offense. Still, it's dinner time, and she wouldn't do anything with both Mom and Ms. Konataro watching."

There was a brief silence before Kai nodded. "All right." Himari grabbed his arm, pulled him toward the door, and dragged him out. The minute they were in the hall Kai could smell the food wafting from the kitchen and his mouth started to water.

Steak, potatoes, a noodle casserole, mixed veggies, and what looked like some kind of original udon concoction. The feast was spread on the table where Ms. Konataro, Mai Hinata, and the wolf girl known as Karen were already sitting down. Kai slowly walked to the other end of the table away from Karen and took his seat. He had spent most of his time hunting vampires, and whatever else was causing trouble, but had never felt quite the way he was feeling now.

He kept the girl in sight through the corner of his eye as he served himself some of the meal. This is pathetic, he thought to himself, cursing how nervous this girl was making him. It was a strangely quiet meal, too, which made the air feel even more thick to him. Himari had taken her seat next to him and was also watching the wolf girl as though trying to make some kind of decision.

After dinner Ms. Hinata looked at the clock hanging in the corner of the living room. "All right, why don't we go ahead and call it a night so we can hit the slopes early?" As soon as she finished her thought, Kai was gone about as fast as he had come.


It came, just like it did every other night...the dream. Kai bolted up straight, his eyes flashing brightly as the door swung open. He must have been screaming without knowing it.

Himari bolted in, glass of water in hand. Quickly she set the glass down on the small nightstand next to the bed and grabbed Kai's shoulders. "Kai, wake up!" She then threw both arms around him, drawing him close and rubbing his back. "Come on Kai, it's okay, snap out of it." Finally the trembling stopped and she looked up at him. Cold sweat was pouring from his forehead. His eyes slowly returned to their natural color as he took a deep breath.

" it! Every night!" There were tears welling up in his eyes as she pulled back, grabbing the glass of water and slowly holding it closer to him. His hands were shaking as she helped him drink. With a heavy sigh of relief Himari set the glass down and went to the door where she had apparently dropped a blanket and pillow. She laid the blanket and pillow down on the floor next to the bed before lying down herself and yawning.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked.

She popped herself up and looked at him. "I know it usually only comes once a night, but I got permission to sleep here anyway," she said matter-of-factly as she laid back down.

"At least make me take the floor," Kai protested.

"Not a chance," Himari said groggily as she fell asleep. He felt badly, but he might have been surprised if he could have seen the smile tugging at his lips as he laid down and went back to sleep.

The next day Kai could definitely feel a certain chill in the air as he opened his eyes and stretched, rolling to the edge of the bed. Looking down he saw Himari, remembering she had decided to keep an eye on him that night due to his nightmare. He had to admit, even though she would constantly rag on him for one thing or another, when it came down to it, she always had his back. But then again, that's the way families should be, right? Kicking his legs the opposite direction, he rolled quietly off the other side of the bed and walked towards the window, pushing the blinds down with his index finger.

As predicted, a white fluffy blanket covered the ground. He smiled as he walked to the small dresser, pulling out a sweatshirt and slipping it over his frame. Slowly he made his way over to where Himari was lying and gently nudged her side with his foot.

"Himari, wake up, its ski day." He heard something from her that sounded like a cross between a stutter and a mumble. Slowly the blanket moved and she popped her head up. Her expression told him she was far from pleased at the moment. He put his hands up in surrender. "Hey now, if I hadn't said anything, and you slept through the entire ski time, you would have probably killed me." In response all he heard was a soft "Urrugghhh..." He decided that it was time to make a hasty retreat for his own safety and darted out the door, shutting it behind him. With a breath of relief, he walked out into the living room where Mai and Ms. Konataro were already waiting.

"So, breakfast then ski, or ski for a while then come back for breakfast?" Ms. Konataro asked.

Kai tilted his head. "Well, since Himari and Karen are still not out here, maybe we should do breakfast first." And maybe by suggesting that, I can get on that psycho's good side, Kai thought to himself.

As if on cue, he felt something hit the back of his head. The sensation was kind of like that of a small needle, but when he rubbed the back of his head he realized there was no puncture wound. With a sigh he turned and noticed another pebble on the floor—this one had a bit of a sharp edge, which probably accounted for that sensation he felt. He sighed and scooped the pebble up off the floor. How the hell is she doing that? he wondered as he turned back to the two adults.

"So, what's for breakfast?" he asked as he snuck the pebble into his pocket. Why was he hiding this? Why didn't he just tell Ms. Konataro what was going on and be done with it? He wasn't sure. Nevertheless, he had made the decision to keep it quiet...for now.

About 20 minutes later Himari came out with her coat on and mittens sticking out of each pocket. Kai gave a small chuckle. "You know we're eating breakfast first, right?" Himari said nothing and just sat down, grabbing a plate of bacon and eggs that were on the table. Is she still mad that I woke her up? Kai wondered to himself as Himari stuffed a big bite into her mouth.

"Aaghhemmm..." Ms. Konataro cleared her throat to catch everyone's attention. "I'll repeat this when we're on the slopes as well, but a little forewarning first. Lately we have been finding that there is more slush on the ground because it hasn't been as cold. Take it slow, and I would recommend going down one at a time." The rest of the group gave a nod to signify that they understood, and with that they all got up and headed for the door.

The sun lit up the white blanket of snow that covered the ground, and the wind added a bite to the chill in the air. "Just a short car ride up to the lifts," Ms. Konataro announced as Himari, Kai, and Mai made their way over to their vehicle.

In another 15 minutes they were finally at their real destination. There weren't very many people, maybe about 12 in total, which meant they didn't have to wait in line at the rental shack or to get to the lifts. The two adults paid for the equipment then told the kids they could go up together, so Kai, Himari, and Karen shared the same lift. Kai had tried to make sure that Himari was sitting between him and Karen, but she refused. He was pretty sure she still thought he was being paranoid.

As the lift dropped down with a screech, Himari launched her body forward, propelling herself expertly. Her skis hit the white powder-covered ground and she was on her way down the slope. Kai leaned forward a bit to watch her when suddenly he felt a sharp shove and he found himself dropping down off the lift and barreling towards Himari. He growled as he tried to use one of his skis as a stopper, but instead it hit a wet patch of snow that sped up his descent.

"Himari, look out!!" His ski wrapped around her leg as the two collided with Kai on top of her. Instinctively she grabbed his shoulders, shoving him off onto his back in the snow.

"D...damn it!" she hollered out as she tried to get onto her knees to stand up.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked as he crawled up to her.

"I think it's twisted!" she exclaimed.

Ms. Konataro and Mai must have been watching from nearby because they appeared a few minutes later with Karen in tow.

"What happened?" Mei asked as she ran to her daughter's side and kneeled down to check her leg. "Can you stand?" she asked.

In response, Himari glared daggers up at her. "I can't even move," she growled.

"What happened?" she asked turning to Kai, who was clenching both his fists now.

"What happened? She happened!" he hissed, pointing at Karen as he stood up. "She has had it in for me since we got here!"

Karen suddenly stepped up stomping on the ground.

"What are you talking about? I was in the lift until you hit her! How could I have done anything?" Kai's eyes suddenly flashed as he lunged, hissing loudly. A low growl came from Karen's throat.

"Ok, ok!" Mai suddenly grabbed Kai's arm, holding him back as Ms. Konataro got between the two.

"Kai, take Himari and go to the car. I think it's about time we left."

"B...but!" Kai started to protest, but Mei pointed towards the car causing him to close his mouth. He walked over to Himari, stretching out his hand. In response she held out her index finger making a circle motion. He sighed and turned around, kneeling down as she wrapped her arms around his neck so he could pull her up onto his back. He sighed again as they started down the path.

About halfway down Himari tapped the top of his head. "Come on, stop sulking. I know you didn't do this on purpose, and I know that girl pushed you."

Kai could hardly believe it. ""

"She was being way too defensive. That, and I was looking back for a split second as I pushed myself off the lift. I saw her push you with her elbow."

Suddenly she let go of his neck with one hand, taking her phone out of her pocket and holding it out in front of his face. "Now, smile!"

"No, don't..."

Kai's apartment present day

"So, let me get this straight..." Kokona said, trying to keep a straight face as Kai finished his explanation. "Not only were you bullied by a pup, but she also framed you?!"

Kai sighed, holding his head on his hand as he rolled his eyes.

"Did you miss the part where Himari told me that she believed me, not her?" He closed the drawer.

"So, what happened after that, you never went back?" she asked, trying to suppress a chuckle.

"Actually, she admitted to the whole thing."

Crossing her arms over her chest, she rolled her eyes. "You're friends now, aren't you?" she asked with a knowing glare.

"Well, after a long talk, I was finally able to convince her that we had more in common than she thought."

"But I thought they lived halfway across the world," she said.

Kai chuckled. "No, maybe I messed up that part of the story. What I meant was, their summer home was in the mountains. Their actual home is about ten minutes away from here."

She wanted to roll her eyes, but she actually had a smile on her face. "You really do have a knack for turning enemies into friends, don't you," she said matter-of-factly.

"I never really thought of us as enemies," Kai said as he stood up.

"Oh really? I know for a fact you thought differently last week."

Kai rolled his eyes as he turned around. "In my defense, you did have me in the air by my toes."

"It was your ankles. Stop exaggerating, you crybaby," Kokona mocked.

"Shut up," he shot back as she laughed.

"Are we going now, or what?" Kokona asked as she turned toward the door.

"Yeah, just go ahead outside, I'm gonna grab a smaller album book to put this in until we get a frame."

Nodding, she headed toward the door and stepped outside. "Just hurry up, fang-face."

However, her smile quickly faded as she got to the car. It was a strange feeling, as though currents of energy had flowed through her. First her legs gave out. She caught herself with her hands, but as soon as she did her arms gave out as well. She felt as though all the energy in her entire body was being siphoned away. Looking up, she saw two shadow figures—one was leaning down over her. Then the world went black...