"Hey, Aaron?"


"What color is the sky?"

"It's the same color of the freezing cold."

"Oh, ok. So what's the color of the sun?"

"The color of the warmth that can counter the coldest of nights."

"I see, so if that's the case, Why are you all I see in color?"

"I see, would you like to know?"

"No, I already do"

"Hey Aaron?"

"What is it Zoe?"

"Where did my sister go?"

"To a far off land, forever in a peaceful slumber."

"That sounds nice."

"Do you wish to be there rather than here?"

"No, i'm not ready to see her yet."

"I see."

"Hey, Aaron?"

"I know what you want to say already."

"You do?"

"Of course."

"Oh, in that case…"

"Would you mind if i asked…"

'Why can't you just die already?"