Ch 2

"Whoa! Zoe look, it's just like in a manga! Like a secret base."

As they walked to the center of the shed a screen turned on and the room went dark. Projected on the screen, was Rachelle.

"Sister! Are you okay? Where are you? I--"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that for the time being, but i'm glad you made it here."

She looked around the room from the screen.

"Just you two?"

"Yes, I believe it was the best course of action. Aaron on the other hand wanted to waste time searching for survivors."

"Good, if you had brought anyone else, i'd have had to kill them."

She let out a slight chuckle and continued.

"Listen, you two need to head to the Yokohama military facility. Once you get there, ask to speak to Shizu Takehiro, and tell her Rachelle Du-Soleil sent you."

"Wait, sister! I don't understand, you… you'll be coming with us, won't you?"

"No, I'm afraid not. The fact of the matter is, I'm already dead. What you're currently speaking to is an advanced A.I. designed to assist you briefly after my death."

"So… i won't ever see you again?"

"No, I'm sorry. But, you have Aaron and Aaron has you. I believe the two of you have what it takes to survive together."

Both children held back their tears and Aaron presented the small flower charm Rachelle had given him earlier.

"That time, you gave me a necklace. It was before you…" he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.

"Ah, yes… i gave it to you for a very important reason."

"What for?"

"Well, when a boy and a girl have a fight, a way to make peace is with a gift. She stole your headband, so offer the necklace as a gift. She in turn, will return what she took."

Aarons eyes welled with tears and he spoke in a low tone.

"That's the stupidest thing i've ever heard… Your life was in danger and a dumb headband was your first priority!"

He started to cry, and Zoe soon after. Rachelle spoke in a soft, gentil tone.

"Yes, both of you are friends. I wanted what was best for you, I didn't want to see you two arguing."

Zoe presented him the headband.

"Here, I'll honor your last request, sister."

The two exchanged items and shook hands.

"Good. Now, I have one last task for the both of you. Go into the main office of the orphanage and find your identity folders. You'll need them for future reference."

A loud boom came from the video and the image started fading.

"Listen closely. I want you both to get along. Zoe, you were gifted with a brilliant mind and tactical skill. And you Aaron, have an important job to do. Make sure Zoe stays out of trouble for me, okay?"

The projection ended and the room went dark. Zoe, who was still sobbing silently, spoke in a cracked voice.

"Cmon Aaron. We have our orders. Lets go."

"Yeah. Okay"