☆~Alexis P.O.V.~☆
I've been in this damn hospital for about a week now. I just want to go home. I want to see my family. My mother called a few days ago. I'm 13 with a niece! How awesome is that! Unfortunately, I don't get to see her yet, because this thing won't leave me alone.
"How pathetic. I simply don't get you Alexis. This'll all be over, if you'd just let me help you." This thing, just so happens to be a demon. How the fuck did that even happen! I've had a happy life. My life was amazing! Then this bitch showed up. "Shut up. You'll never help me. I'm in this fucking situation because of you." My mom, she put me in here. She heard me screaming. Screaming, telling this thing to leave me alone.
Even though I think it's stupid, I go to therapy now. Nothing much to it. I just go into a small room with some woman and she asks me dumb questions. "If you don't mind, I'd like you to tell me who you were yelling at." I just stared at the floor. This is so fucking dumb. "It's a what. Not a who." I looked up at the woman, trying to hold back an eye roll. "Excuse me?" Damn, did I stutter? "It's not a who. It's a what. That thing...it isn't human. Too far from ever being human." It's true. It gives itself a name though. Jessabeth. Why waste such a beautiful name, on something so demonic?
"Can you describe what it looks like? Can you see it?" Oh yes. I definitely see it. Way too often. "Yes, I see it. It has abnormally long, black hair. It's all tangled and unbrushed. It has long, pale, skinny limbs. Blood red eyes, that could scare anyone at first glance. It's fingers, they look like claws. So sharp they could draw blood." I could describe more, but I don't want to. It has carved its way into the back of my mind. I could never forget the first time I saw it. "Would you mind telling me about the first time you saw it?"
"How does it feel to be 12 Alexis!" Jane is so pretty, I'm so lucky to have her as a friend, a babysitter, and a sister now! My brother sure is lucky! "It feels great! I can't wait until you take me shopping next week!" Jane let out her soft chuckle. "I can't either kiddo! Don't spend all your money on one thing, though!" Of course, even if I did, she'd get me things too. "I won't! I'm responsible now, I don't need someone helping me with everything!" I stuck out my tongue when I saw Jane roll her eyes at me. "Alright, alright. Now, you go outside. Go have some fun!"
It was almost dark out. I was still outside, playing on the swing set. I stopped swinging, when something caught my eye. Hiding in the darkness, there were two objects. They were red, and seemed as if they were glowing. I looked closer, trying to see what it was. I realized I made a mistake when it began to reach out a long, pale, skinny arm towards me. I couldn't move. I froze in fear. "W-who are you? What are doing here?" It just looked at me. It's slender, pointed fingers, motioning for me to come towards it. I want to run. I can't.
"Alexis, come on inside! it's getting dark out!" Oscar yelled out to me. I looked back in the direction of the figure. It was gone. "I'm coming!" I wasted no time. I ran as quick as I could. What was that thing? What did it want?
~~~~~~~FLASHBACK END~~~~~~~
"That must have been scary to go through. So, you said you were only 12 when that happened?" Everything sounded like whispers. All I could focus on is that thing. What does it want from me? What did I do? "Alexis? Did you hear me?" I snapped out of my trance. "Oh, sorry. Yes, ma'am." She just nodded, scribbling notes down on her clipboard.
"As I said before. Utterly pathetic. You're nothing, love. You never will be." Tears stung my eyes. It's been doing that ever since that day. "Shut up. You're wrong!" I yelled. I didn't even care if someone heard me. This damned thing is driving me insane. "If I was wrong, then why aren't your loved ones here? Why aren't they coming to take you home? You mean nothing to them."