My nerves have been so fucked up. It just doesn't make sense. How they fuck did she fall out of her crib? I put the gate up. As a matter of fact, it was still up when I saw she was on the ground. She didn't crawl over did she? Wait...no. She couldn't have. She can't even crawl yet. Fuck...this shit doesn't make any sense. "Honey, stop thinking about it so much. You'll give yourself a headache." Jane said, before sitting on the bed next to me. Jade was behind us. Sound asleep. At least she's able to sleep. Meanwhile, I can't even get myself to lay down. "I know... I just don't understand. I don't get what happened." Jane just nodded as she held my hand in her own. "I know sweetheart, I don't understand either."
First, shit went wrong with Alexis and now, my own little girl. What the fuck happened? I looked to my left, to see Jane and Jade asleep. I decided to finally lay down. I looked at Jade and smiled softly at her, while gently rubbing one of her hands. "I love you, princess." Soon enough, I relaxed and finally fell asleep.