Chapter 2

Since this is a world inside a novel, cliches are bound to happen.

One day, maybe the world will end because the main character died or maybe money will fall from the sky.

In my case, I just need to prepare.


*knock *knock

"Come in." I said.

"Young miss? Madame Winter said she needed to check one last thing regarding your etiquette class."

When Kelly said that, I recollected few memories about Moriana learning etiquette.

"Ah, okay. I'll get changed first."

Kelly went out and closed the door.

I opened the (large) closet and there were many beautiful dresses hanged and some accessories that were organized in the drawer.

Moriana's taste is unexpectedly good.

I chose a peach colored dress. It was beautiful yet sophisticated.

After preparing, I went directly to where Madame Winter is currently waiting.

I knocked on the door twice and opened the door.

"Good day Madame Winter. May Nirvana's blessing be upon you." I greeted.

I bowed but it was not bent, flowed my fingers at the ends of my dress, bended my knee a few inches and positioned my feet in a tiptoe formation.

This is what you call 'courtesy.' It is basic etiquette in this place but not many of the nobles perfected it.

But not in Moriana's case. In terms of etiquette or every basic thing a woman needs to know, she was flawless. Well, according to her memories.

I can't believe her memories and mine merged into one while making the body completely cooperative.

"I see no reason as to why I'm still teaching you etiquette right now when you have totally perfected the basics." She praised.

"I believe that humans are progressing creatures. The more they learn, the more knowledge they acquire regarding things that are bound to happen." I replied in a respectful tone.

"Hm, I see you've read the 'Chronicles of Humanity' as well. Once a train passes by its rails, it continues to go until it reaches its destination." She spoke in a satisfied tone.

"I am the rail and you are the train. Continue to move until you've reach your goals. May Nirvana's blessing be upon this young lady." She added and curtsied.

"Thank you Madame Winter. You've been a great teacher to me after all this time." I thanked her.

"A flatterer and praiser. That is human nature. It's been my pleasure to teach the young lady too." She replied.

After the conversation, she left and I returned to my room.

"Whew...." I said, laying on my bed.

That conversation sure had many deep meanings...

It was not lunch time yet but I was already hungry.

Moriana's parents were not present at the moment. The couple went on a two-week vacation on the Northern country leaving me alone at the mansion.

Father was taking care of business affairs while having a vacation at the same time.

In short, I have to eat alone.

I miss my parents already. In my last life, we used to meet and eat together twice a month because of work. Those moments were short but precious.

I called Kelly to bring her my lunch. Since I'm alone anyways, I'll just eat in my room.

After few minutes of waiting, the food arrived. I told her to bring in many proteins as much as possible.

Since my goal is to live a long life, I need to eat healthy foods as well.


After eating lunch, I took out my notebook again. I need to write the storyline  in order to know the track of what's happening right now.

Rewriting the whole story is no big deal for me since I've read the novel like an addict.

I started writing from the beginning til the ending. One notebook wasn't enough since it had two volumes.

After half a day, I've finally finished writing.

*knock *knock

"Come in."

"Young miss? I brought you some refreshments. I thought you might be tired from writing in straight five hours."

"Thank you Kelly, you came at the right time." I thanked.

"It's a pleasure young miss." She replied.

She brought a whole tray of desserts and snacks with tea on it. I ate one of  the desserts and it was pure heavenly.

It made my mind relaxed and my tiredness relieved.

Writing two whole books was not a joke. I thought I could write it smoothly since I've read it many times but, my mind was racked from thinking over the small details and the storyline.

"Kelly, what year are we right now?" I asked Kelly just in case.

"Oh you forgot young miss? It's already been the 44th year since the present emperor has reigned. But if you want to count the whole years from the beginning, it will be....the 621st year since the empire Nirvana was built."

44th years of current reigning and 621st from way back then.

"Ah, I see. Then what month is it right now?"

"That too young miss!? We just celebrated your 19th birthday last month and tomorrow you will go to the Imperial palace for your debut. Well not just your debut but all noble girls at ages nineteen and above."

Wait, last month?

Moriana's birthday was in the last day of fourth month, which means...

Oh my gosh....

The novel will take place tomorrow!!