Chapter 14: Chapter 14


Olivia's POV.

Healing touch wasn't good after all; I felt weak and dizzy being drained off my strength. Being impatient and persistent, Irene and Ethan finally lets me touch Irene's daughter but it didn't turn out so well.

The moment I touched her; I felt my strength flowing through me into her, it was like I literally tore myself into two halves and gave her one part. Then I realized that if I had to heal someone, I would literally share my strength and health with that person. Hilarious!.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked making his presence known to me.

"I'm fine." I assured.

He sat beside me on the bed, I could tell he was going to scold me.

I gulped. "You could say 'I told you so'?" I teased.

"I told you so." He snapped. "You shouldn't get too excited with your abilities least you end up hurting yourself."

I sighed. Of course he was wary.

Irene's daughter a tall skinny pale girl about my age dashed in.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." I said trying to look better.

"Thanks for saving my life." She said calmly almost kneeling.

"It's okay." I held her. "I guess — I was just doing something I'm supposed to do by nature." I said.

She winced. "I'm Elva. It's nice to meet you, I never thought I could see a Xphynx in my life time." She said.

"Thanks Elva, it's nice meeting you too." I said. "At least someone here truly appreciates me." I muttered eyeing Ethan teasingly.

Ethan looks away ignoring me.

"I'm Olivia." I said.

"It's nice to meet you Olivia, I have heard so much about your kind. The cats, werewolves and vampires. I have seen all but I never got the chance to meet a Xphynx cat, I thought they were extinct." She said.

"Umm." I hummed, I really didn't know what else to say.

Ethan clears his throat. "I think the pleasantries is enough for today." He said. "Olivia you need to rest now."

I frowned; I really wanted to spend more time with a fellow girl like me. Even if she was human.

"Elva, can I assist you and Irene in the kitchen?" I offered.

Elva and Ethan stared at me startled.

"Don't worry Olivia." Elva snapped.

Ethan glared at me.

"I should go now, we'll see tomorrow morning." Elva said and left.

*Few Minutes Later.*

I sat on the bed trying to grasp the words from a book I found in the shelf which seem not just to be written in English.

Ethan stared at me like a predator sizing it's prey from the chair he sat. Making me feel nervous.

"Ethan I don't understand a word on this book." I complained.

He grinned. "It's witches tongue how could you possibly understand it?" He said.

"Do you mind translating?" I asked.

He pouts. "ok." He climbed the bed to meet me.

I gave him the book and he flipped through some pages.

"I can't translate this." He complained. "I think you can ask Irene later." He concluded.

"Ok." I snapped. "What about Elva? " I inquired.

"You can also ask her." He said. "You seem to like Elva." He added.

"I very much like her, and besides we are age mates." I said.

He grinned. "Look at you, like a child. Sooner you won't have any age mate in the human world." He snapped.

I sighed. He was right, my life span was far longer than that of humans, I mean I can't even die unless I get killed.

"What about in L'rindell?" I asked curiously.

Ethan sighed. "Perhaps. If you don't do anything stupid, or get yourself killed you might as well live forever." He said.

I gulped down, was I actually going to watch the people I love die one after the other, from era to era for eternity. Living for so long might sound interesting but the fact of watching people die was horrid.

"You?" I said more in a whisper.

Ethan smirks. "Let's say compare to your lifetime. I won't be around for so long."

When he said this I felt my heart melt. Tears gathering my eyes as if he was dead already.

"It's okay Olivia, we could only hope you get killed sooner." He jested.

I frowned; this wasn't a joke.

He noticed I wasn't in the right mood for jokes. "If you ask me I would say you are lucky."

"What could be lucky in living a boring life and watching your love ones die?" I asked.

"So many people would exchange anything to live that long, even if not forever." He said caressing my cheek.

"Words untold, feelings unheard, there are so many things one would love to do but it turns out life is too short." He explained.

I gazed into his eyes, even in the glimpse of reality there was more to see than meets the eyes.

"I don't want you to leave me Ethan." I said.

He grins, then he leaned and kissed me on my lips. His kiss seem so enticing and addictive, his fragrance and warmth caused  a war of butterflies in my belly.

I couldn't resist him.

I let the book I held previously drop from my hand; I placed my hands round his neck, trailing my fingers on his broad shoulders.

He captured my legs with he's still kissing me passionately without breaking even for a second. I felt his fingers tingling and rubbing the sides of my body; making me shiver for more.

We seem to be lost in each other; he was lost in me and I in him.

Then he suddenly released me. He stared at me the glow in his eyes shimmering hard that it seem to be brighter than the candles in the room.

He glanced at me panting for air.

"Ethan what's wrong?" I asked.

He stared at me, his fangs sharply out making my heart skip a beat.

He sighed. "I'm sorry Olivia."

He climbed down from the bed about to leave the room.

"Ethan!" I called softly.

"I'm losing it Olivia. I can't stay here with you, we'll see at dawn." He said without turning back.

He left.

I was worried, what could possibly have gone wrong. He didn't seem to be himself again. The moment we kissed, I could feel his emotions, I felt like something missing in me had been found, I could feel nothing else but him. He was my world.

But the moment he left me, I felt unusually empty, I could see the restraint in his eyes as much as his want.

Did he wanted my blood? I wondered. We have been together for so long and he was an alpha wolf; It was really unusual for a werewolf and a cat to hangout further more an alpha werewolf and a Xphynx cat.

Perhaps I was getting to understand what Irene meant by I was tormenting Ethan.

Ethan wanted my blood.