Chapter 18: Chapter 18


Olivia's POV.

I flip through the pages of the spell book, wondering if I should try one but obviously I wasn't in the mood. I contemplated giving it back to Irene since I wasn't interested in magic but a part of me still wanted to keep it.

Where is Ethan, I thought. The previous day he was sick and dying but now he is out of bed and bothering himself with how to get me home.

I tossed the book to the table, I was going to go find him.

I left the room.


"You can't tell her that, she would take it too serious." I heard Ethan said when I approached the living room.

I tiptoed slowly to the door and placed my ears on it.

"Don't you get it Ethan? She's trying to save you, we all are." Irene said.

Ethan raised his brow. "Don't push it. I've to get her to the port even if it is the last thing I do. She would be safer there." He said

I sighed; it was all about me. What didn't he want Irene to tell me?

"Ok Ethan. You two are five days away from the sea port, and you have barely two days left before the poison gets to your heart." Irene said convincingly.

"We also have barely three days before the ship leaves." Ethan snapped.

Irene sighed frustratedly; there was no way she could convince him. "Ok, I will get you two the fastest horse I can , it can get you two there as fast as possible." She offered.

I sighed. I felt terrible, they should be talking about healing Ethan not trying to save me from a mean bloodthirsty werewolf.

The door opened to reveal Ethan.

"Hi!" He muttered and left.

Things just keep getting worst; not even a proper Good morning.  He was obviously avoiding me and keeping his distance. Gosh! I hate it that he had to keep his distance.

I entered the living room.

I stared at Irene disappointed. "How could you? You are just going to let him go just like that." I said.

"He's more worried about you than himself now." She said.

"That's it. He won't listen, I need you to talk some sense into him." I snapped.

Irene pouts. "He believes he should protect you even with his last breath. It's his Alpha's instincts at work."

"Ow...ok." I stuttered. "I came across a book in the village's library, an advance magic book. It could help, we could switch places." I said eagerly.

Her eyes widened. "What is wrong with you Olivia?" She scolded. "That is a difficult spell."

"We could try something." I said.

"So you would trade your life for he's?" She blurted out.

I nodded. "I can't watch him die." I said.

"That's all you keep saying. It's obvious that you two are in love and afraid to say it to each other. But have you took time to consider?" She said sternly.

I sighed.

"As much as it hurt you to let him die, so it would hurt him to watch you die. It just becomes a transition of pain." She explained.

"I see no difference in that. If he can give his life for me, why shouldn't I do the same." I said.

"Because you can be controlled, you can be tamed. But Ethan can't, if you die he would be devastated, it could affect the life of others. Isn't that obvious?" She stated.

I sighed, and slumped on a chair nearby; I so much wanted to help, I needed to do something.

Irene sat by me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "You two will leave this morning for you to get to the ship in time." She said.

I sighed; I had almost forgot that when we get to the shore, we would have to float on a piece of metal for about a month, no land just ocean and it seemed I would be doing it alone.

"If saving you is his last wish, then you should give him a chance." She added.

"Olivia!" I heard Ethan called from the door post.

I stared up to him, but he avoided staring back.

"Irene, we have to go now." He said.

"Ok!" She said staring at me.

Irene took us to the saddle were we got a horse. I couldn't even ride one so I had to share with Ethan.

I took a few stuff including the book of spells and some provisions. We bade Irene goodbye and left the village.

Ethan rode down the lane of the forest as fast as he could my hands wrapped around him.

I wondered how he could ride so fast even in his present state. I could feel dizzy already, I think I was going to vomit; he was going too fast.

I tightened my grip on him, my fist clenched and eyes closed.

"Should I slow down?" He asked.

"No!" I snapped "I'm fine."

He chuckled, and slowed down instinctsively.


Olivia's POV

It was evening already, we stopped to rest for the night, but inside me I was sure we could have covered a two day distance from the port.

Wait a minute. I thought, we were doing this to save me. To save me from his father and maybe other werewolves and vampires, and they all needed my blood. If my blood could prolong someone's life, heighten his senses and healing abilities....

I gasped.

"Ethan!" I called.

"What is it?" He responded.

"I think, I know what to do." I said cheerfully.

He raised his brow questioningly.

"It's my blood. My blood would save you. Won't it?" I asked.

He stared at me indifferently, he probably knew that already.

"You knew?" I asked more in a whisper.

"You should probably get some sleep, so we can continue very early tomorrow." He said walking away.

No! I wasn't going to let him go away this time. That's all he have been doing, if there was anything we should solve now and here.

I stood in front of him stopping him. "You knew all this time and you said nothing. I am the cure to your poisoning. How could you?" I asked infuriated.

He breathed heavily. "Do not tempt me Olivia." He said panting.

I stared at him pleadingly, his eyes capturing me as always. A careful look at his eyes one could see a touch of blood red in them now. "You would just let yourself die? Isn't that selfish?" I yelled.

Ethan's POV.

Selfish?! He thought, he was confuse by what she meant. Was it selfish for him to not drink her blood and let himself die or was it selfish for her not to give him her blood.

Obviously her blood could heal him, but he was scared. He didn't want to hurt her. If he tasted her blood, he would be thirsty for more, he would hunt her throughout her life.

And if for some rare reasons, he doesn't kill her, it is obvious that he would mark her as his mate if he bites her and they would be bonded making it hard for him to control himself towards her.

"Olivia don't you get this. I'm a werewolf, and I could kill you if I did taste your blood." He explained.

"Maybe, I don't care. We should try something." I said.

He frowned; She was always optimistic and stubborn.