Chapter 23: Chapter 23


Olivia's POV:

Somehow I had manage to trace my way back to the cabin amidst my heartbreak, tears and confusion.

"How could he do this to me?" I thought. "Didn't he knew I was in love with him?"

I leaned my back against the door sobbing as I shaked my head trying not to think of what they were doing right now.

"Olivia!" Einstein called tapping on the door.

"Olivia please open the door." He said.

"Go away Einstein." I said.

"You don't have to take this too hard Olivia. Please open the door." He pleaded.

"Go away!" I yelled from indoor.

"Ok." He said. "I just hope you get better by tomorrow." He added.

I heard his footsteps as he goes away. I didn't feel like seeing anyone, or I might as well take my rage on him.

I lay on the bed and cuddled myself to a pillow. The night felt unusually cold, I felt like I was stabbed in my heart, I felt a huge hole on my heart that couldn't be filled back.

I allowed the tears in my eyes to flow down peacefully. Slowly I felt dizzy as I drifted out of consciousness.


I woke up the next morning feeling much relieve and better than last night. I got up and stretched out my body.

I yawned.

I took the mirror on the night stand to take a look at my hair, and also my sleepy face.

I arranged my hair behind my back in an attempt to make it into a pony tail. In my attempt I glanced at the mating mark on my neck.

Seeing his mating mark brought out the fury in me. I almost tossed the mirror away.

A knock on the door disrupts my thought.

Ethan opens the door and walked in a smile on his face. I paid him back with a frown.

Of course it was obvious to see him smiling since he spent last night with a sexy whore.

"Is that a way to welcome your mate you haven't seen for days? He teased.

I ignored him, and went back to what I was doing.

He grinned mischievously, and strolled to meet me on the bed.

"What is it Olivia?" He asked calmly.

I ignored.

He tried to touch my cheek but I hit his hand away.

He chuckled.

I felt disgust by him right now, I didn't want to see him.

"I'm sorry I've been out for days Olivia. You shouldn't be so angry, I was only protecting you from myself." He pleaded.

I seemed indifferent of his speech.

He leaned to kiss me but I placed my hands between us. I couldn't let him kiss me with the same mouth he kissed a slut with.

"Go away Ethan." I said speaking for the first time.

"Why?" He asked, his mesmerizing eyes melting my heart.

A few drops of tear dropped from my eyes as I exhaled deeply. "Just go away. I don't want to see you again."

He sighed. "Why are you pushing me away?" He asked.

" I don't know. Just go, leave me alone." I said. I actually didn't know what to say was I to say I saw him in a bar with a whore of course he would shamelessly admit it breaking my heart the more.

"Ok, I would leave. If that makes you happy." He said coldly.

I watched his back as he walked out of the room disappointedly and probably frustrated.

I wondered if I would ever forgive him.


Ethan's POV:

"What was wrong with Olivia?" I thought

Three days ago;

I left her because my werewolf seem over reactive and unstable at that moment. I didn't want to hurt her.

I left for the bar where I met some old friends, so I decided to stay with them and spend some time away from her until I get back to my normal senses.

"Ethan, you need a new pack." Said Clarke a childhood friend of mine when we were drinking.

"I told you Clarke, I have no interest in wanting to be King or being a werewolf Lord. " I said.

"Ethan you have to rebuild our pack. Your father has been a cruel ruler, his taste for blood has gone beyond the taste for Xphynx cats blood. He literally drinks the blood of anything, anyone. " Explained Asenath. She was once on my pack, infact they all were but the pack got separated when I left for the human world.

It was obvious a pack can't do without it's Alpha.

I winked at her; As an archer, she was one of my favourite. If I had a daughter I wanted her to be as strong, brave and smart as Asenath.

I sipped from my glass. "Asenath, it isn't necessary. I would say you all go home, find your mates, get children and live happily ever after. "

"You would let a new generation be born under the reign of your father? " Asked Blake.


"He thinks protecting the Xphynx is his priority only. " Asenath interrupted.

"She is my priority. " I snapped.

"She's ours too. We can't let your father have her least he would be to strong and unstoppable." Asenath said; she loves arguing a lot.

I let a groan escape my chest.

" Ethan you know we love you as our leader, we would die willingly fighting for you, and since the Xphynx who is now your mate means a lot to you, we would do the same for her. " Asenath stated.

I glanced at her. I couldn't trust anyone with Olivia's life yet. She meant a lot to me.

"What do you plan on doing with your newly found powers. " Blake teased making the others giggle.

"First, I would kill any of you who dare make a suspicious move near my mate. Then—"

"Hello handsome! " A feminine voice interrupted.

"Hi angel. " I turned towards her, she was a slut.

"Want a ride for tonight?" She asked rolling her eyes dreamingly.

I examined her; red hair, beautiful face fair skin nice curves and she was half naked.

"Wow!" I exclaimed inwardly.

A thought crossed my mind. "What if I have her tonight? I would be more stable and I could take things slowly with Olivia."

" I'm sorry Olivia." I said inwardly.

" Come on Playboy." Blake and Clarke cheered.

"You can do it." They added.

"I'm gonna drive you mad baby." The slut said.

" O..k" I stuttered; I was regretting this already.

She placed a ribbon on my neck and pulled me along.


We arrived at her lodge, she leading the way.

She slumped to her bed rolling seductively like a snake.

I stared at her.

"Come on, let's have some fun." She said as she got up.

She began to unbuckle my sleeve. "You no, I won't be having any other client for today, so you can stay as long as you want."

I graped her hair, pulled her to me and kissed her, my hand strolling and examining her curves and body.

She held me as she took off my sleeve leaving me bare chested.

I released her.

"What's wrong?" I thought. "I wasn't having any boner at all."

My body didn't seem to react towards her as it should.

"My werewolf remained calm and still."

I wondered why. A single touch from Olivia and I could run mad, but here is a slut drooling over me and it had no effect on me.

"What is it?" She asked rolling her eyes.

I felt disgust and ashame of myself already.

An angry groan escaped my chest. It was my werewolf and not me. I guess it knew where it belonged to already.

To Olivia; Olivia hadn't only stole my heart, but she did steal every part of me. Every part of me longed for her and no one else.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I gotta go now."

On a second thought.

"How much is your pay?"

"Thirty silver pieces." She said disappointedly.

" Take." I hand her the money. " Here is a hundred silver pieces. For the inconvenience." I said.

"Am I not pleasing to you?" She asked pleadingly.

I glanced at her. "You are a fine woman. But I have a mate, I can't betray her." I said apologetically.

She laughed hysterically startling me.

"Come on, that's silly, men who have mates also come to me." She said.

"I guess, maybe I'm not that kind of man." I said.

She raised her brow.

"She isn't just any woman. She's everything to me." I said.

I tried to leave.

"What's her name." She called back.

"Olivia, her name is Olivia." I said and left.

I couldn't believe I had just made a fun of myself.

"I needed to see Olivia."