Chords of Doubt

What is this pain I have inside?

Where is this voice of whispers coming from?

It tells me that I don't know what I know,

Like a snake weaving a sinister lie.

What of this harrowing melody?

The one that that make your bones shutter,

Crushing your soul under its dissonant chords

And when does it call you under its spell?

You don't get to know, for it hates who you are

Where is the harmonies of light?

Oh where did the sweet song of summer go?

Why winter? Why wither what was so good?

To make way for spring and new life?

With such chords as yours, I cannot follow.

Is this your plan? To crush until they follow?

I won't be crushed, my Lord has made true,

I won't back away, not until the sun comes up.

So to where did this dissonant melody go?

Where did those wintry whispers go?

Have we finally been freed?

Look! The sweet summer sun has returned!

Respond with joy, for it lasts only till night.