Fierce battle

Chapter 57


A huge creature that looks like a lizard with a dark green scale is currently crawling out of a huge underground cave. Its mouth lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth is currently filled with blood and a trail of meat could be seen dangling on its lower jaw.

From what I could see, this creature has just eaten some creature that is also as big as it is.

The creature is about 3 meters in height while crawling and about 10 meters long. If this thing attacks me, then it could even gobble me up in one go.

I carefully observe in the shadows of the tall tree leaves the giant creature below. But what caught my attention is the extreme amount of energy I could feel inside the hole. I could tell that inside that hole there is something good. If I could get it for myself, then my power would surely increase.

So far, my stats go as such…

Strength = 100

Dexterity = 100

Constitution = 5/100

Intelligence = 15

Qi = 150

It is the same stats except for a little increase in my intelligence. I actually had a slight encounter a while ago which increased my stats a little. However, I noticed that it was not permanent. My stats went back to their previous state after that.

However, as of this moment, I truly have a strong feeling that if I obtain that thing that is really tempting me inside that cave. My stats would surely rise permanently.

But the problem is, I could also tell that around that cave, there are still many creatures wanting to enter inside.

I don't know how strong that giant lizard is, but I could only act cautiously.

Suddenly, the giant lizard shifted its gaze in a particular direction. And I too could feel that strange killing intent. It's like that creature is telling everything in this area that it is coming. Who or whatever stands in its way would surely die.

Then from above, I saw a large creature slowly coming down towards the giant lizard. When I saw what kind of creature it was, I was a bit taken aback.

The creature is actually a giant eagle with fiery red feathers. Its wingspan is as long as the lizard but its body is only around 3 meters big.

However, I could tell that its claws and beak is strong enough to pierce the strong-looking scales of the lizard.

The giant eagle swoops down and in that quick move, it suddenly appears in front of the giant lizard on the ground. The two are having a staring contest as they howled in the air. From what I could see, they seem to be trying to scare each other and trying to gauge one another's strength.

Suddenly, my senses pick something up. The wind that's coming from the south of my direction carries a strange scent. It's like an artificial scent coming from the trees. I knew that this kind of trick can fool these creatures, but I am not a creature.

As a human who is well versed with the forest and its scent, I could tell any humans from their scent alone.

I shifted my gaze to the south and then tried to detect which direction that scent is coming from. Then from where I am hiding, I could see at around 400 meters 4 figures wearing camouflage suits.

They could blend perfectly in their surroundings and one of them is looking behind a long-barreled rifle. From what I could tell, that rifle is a high-powered sniper rifle. But I could not determine its model and type.

Since my vision is limited, I dare not peak my head out and just watch that group within the cover of the leaves.

Then suddenly, I saw a light flash coming from the barrel of the rifle. Before the lizard could react, a large hole suddenly appears on its body.


A loud sound reverberates through the air and causes the whole forest to be disturbed.

The sniper bullet successfully punches through its thick scale and skin. From what I could see, the bullet looks like a drill as it spins really fast while flying towards its target.

When it hits the lizard's scale it easily destroys it and then punches a hole on its tough skin.

Blood began to flow through the hole and I could see the lizard staggering.

Then the giant eagle turns its attention towards the direction of the loud shooting sound. It seems to know what type of enemy it is facing as it suddenly flaps its huge wings in the air.

In fact, it has already known it, enemy, beforehand. The true target of the woman behind the rifle is actually the giant eagle. However, it suddenly dodges and the bullet hits the giant lizard. And because of this, the eagle was able to prevent itself from getting killed.

"What sharp senses…" I muttered unconsciously.

But it seems that the eagle heard my words as it suddenly shifted its gaze in my direction. But then before it could do anything, the lizard on the ground suddenly leaps up and then bit one of its legs.

I could also see three men charging towards the two beasts.


The eagle cried as it could feel the razor-sharp teeth of the lizard cutting through its flesh. Suddenly, it uses its other claw to gouge out one of the eyes of the giant lizard.

The pain made the lizard release its bite and it fell to the ground.

At this time, the rest of the Hunters have already arrived and then has already encircled the giant eagle. Then without hesitation, they threw metal chains to tie the giant eagle and prevent it from escaping. Meanwhile, one of them suddenly takes out a long sword from his back and suddenly plunges it towards the head of the giant lizard.

But it seems that the giant lizard is not as dumb as it looks. With a quick movement of its head, the giant lizard suddenly shifted its head, and then from the side, it opens its huge maw and then snaps it towards the falling figure.

The Hunter is not a pushover as he suddenly shifted his gaze to the side and then the long sword is now horizontal in position. The sword easily penetrated the upper jaw of the lizard and exited on its snout. However, the force of the bite has chump on Hunter's body making him spew a mouthful of blood.

It was like a suicide attack and both the human and the beast died.


Another gunshot echoed through the air and the giant eagle shifted its body which resulted in one of its wings getting shot at.

"Damn it! Little Fong has fallen and this giant eagle is too agile. We have to finish this thing and check on Little Fong's condition!" shouted one of the men holding the metal chain.

The two are pouring all of their strength to hold the eagle down so that their companion could get a clear shot.

"This thing is already unable to move! Take the shot now!" shouted one of the men.

But nothing happened. This made the two men feel that something is wrong and turn their attention to the direction of their companion who is doing the sniping.

Right at this moment, the giant eagle suddenly twisted its large body and then caught the two men off guard. One of them was flung to the side of a large tree, while the remaining got hold of his footing and held the giant eagle down.

"Damn it! Shoot it now!" he shouted but still, nothing happened.

Then he suddenly saw a large eagle's head looking straight at him. This made the man feel the strong killing intent of the giant eagle.

He did not hesitate to release his hold of the metal chain and then grabs the rifle and the machete on his side.

"Damn you!" he shouted as he suddenly charges towards the giant eagle.

Right at this moment, he saw that his companion is actually being held by the giant lizard using its large claws. Although the sword penetrated its snout, it did not die because the long sword did not hit its skull.

It actually caught the flying human and then with its long tongue began to lick his face.

The man could see that his companion is trembling in fear. As Hunters, they are actually very strong and confident in their skills.

However, when they accidentally enter this area, they were tempted by the strange and wonderful smell coming from a certain location. When they track the smell, they saw these giant creatures. In truth they did not want to make their move, however, the enticing is truly unbearable. It's like it's calling them to enter and take it for their own.

Hence they decided to take a bet and try to kill those two beasts. They seem to have lost their basic instinct and fear of death and charged.

But because of that, they all lost their lives in this place.

The last thing that the man saw is the huge maw of the lizard chomping down on his companion's head before he too found his vision being thrown high up in the air. Then he saw a headless body lying on the ground and the large open beak of the giant eagle.