Portals (3)

Chapter 174


The next day…

The sun in the sky greeted a new day for the people in the Wei Sect. Everyone in the sect immediately woke up and resumes their own task and responsibility.

At this time, in a small room, a young man is currently lying and sleeping peacefully as the golden rays of the sun enter the room chasing the darkness away.

The closed-door slowly creeks open as a beautiful figure tiptoed inside the room. She was followed by another one who is showing reluctance in her eyes. The two beautiful young women are Ho Linyi and the reluctant one is Fa Wenling.

Last night, I was greeted by many familiar faces and the dinner was really something. We talked a lot and shared everyone's stories. I listened and learned a lot from them. I did not imagine that these girls would create a group that would start helping other people.