Evil on one’s heart

Chapter 177


As I go deeper into the base of the enemy, I have noticed that the cyborgs seem to be getting weaker. It's like the materials used to make them are not as strong as they should be. Well, I could not blame them as the city was destroyed and it seems that they are unable to evacuate most of the needed materials in time.

I soon arrive on a 3-story tall building that looks a bit dilapidated on the outside.

But I know that inside this building everything has been fixed and furnished. I sneak to the side and then with one leap, I was able to reach the rooftop.

Two cyborgs are guarding in that place, but I was able to escape their detection and enter the building. As I go through the corridor, I soon arrive in a place that looks like a laboratory.

"This might be the place…" I muttered with a grin on my face.

I wanted to see what that bastard looks like now.