
Chapter 209


Tao Liong is a merchant who has traveled long and wide before deciding to settle down in Green Sea Town. In his travels, he has met many kinds of people and by chance, he has met a particular person before that has no gem on his forehead. They call these people the Deviants.

But there are only a few of them and it is said that their strength has not surpassed the 2nd level. But the youth in front of him is clearly different. He is at the 3rd level, but he could not even fathom the real strength of the deviant before him. So how could he not feel fear?

However, after thinking for a while, he realized that the youth he has met in the inn is something different. His merchant mind suddenly began to imagine things, things that he has not thought of before. If that person is truly a strong deviant, then how strong should he be?