Meeting another prince (2)

Chapter 291


Xin Wei returned to the inn he was staying in stealthily and discovered that Bo Kwan is still inside his own room. The guy is tinkering with some simple machinery that he has given him.

Knock! Knock!

Bo Kwan opens the door and saw Xin Wei standing outside.

"Young master…"

"Are you busy?" Xin Wei looks at the young man before him and then handed him an earpiece.

"No… I'm just tinkering on that thing that you gave me… What is this?"

"This is used for communication… Just press on this to call me…" Xin Wei told him how the earpiece should be used.

"Ahh… Ok, this is interesting…"

The two then tried it out and warned him that the maximum distance of the earpiece is about 1 kilometer, further than that, the signal would already be gone and communication is almost impossible.