Almost forgotten memory

Chapter 499 Almost forgotten memory

Xin Wei has only slept for an hour before waking up in the morning and preparing himself to go to school.

Feeling a bit groggy, Xin Wei yawned as he opened the door and walked to the dining table. Xi Shanshan has already left for school and left some breakfast food on the table.

Xin Wei ate his breakfast and then took a shower.

He felt a bit weak, but there are traces of satisfaction on his face. After the whole night of crafting, he was able to create a couple of gizmos and a talisman that he thought could protect him in a time of danger.

Ever since knowing that this body of his is weak, he has already thought of the possible dangers he could face in the future.

Walking to school, Xin Wei noticed an announcement from the crystal TV screen on one of the display centers near the school.

It was an advertisement for precious stones in an auction house.