Goodbye and Be Gone

"Dilera." I sat down on my bed and released a long breath.

"Yes, M'Lady?" Dilera responded, she seemed just as relieved as I felt that The Duke's sister had finally decided to give me some alone time.

"Is Lady Rayana staying in the Palace currently?"

"Yes M'lady, she as well as many other nobles are staying in the Palace until the wedding."

I bit my lip and watched my handmaiden before I spoke, "Well, I am very thankful for Lady Rayana and all that she has done for me today."

Dilera blinked at my words, "You are?"

I almost wanted to laugh at her reaction. Was it that obvious that I wasn't having fun while Lady Rayana walked me all over the gardens and made me have tea with her on three different balconies?

"Yes." I answered, "And as a 'thank you' to her, I would like to send you, my best maid, to serve her until the wedding."

Dilera's mouth dropped the slightest bit at my words. I knew she likely wouldn't be excited about this idea, but I had no other option. "But M'lady," She attempted protest, "Who will serve you if not me? And with your wedding rapidly approaching-"

"I don't want hear any excuses." I cut her off, "My word is final. You will serve Lady Rayana until the wedding and you will send for another maid to serve me until then."

Dilera pinched her lips tightly. I could tell she didn't think this was a good idea for more than one reason. She was right, with a wedding approaching quickly it wouldn't make sense for me to get rid of my most trusted maid. Aside from that, I could tell the Dilera didn't particularly like Lady Rayana. I imagine she wouldn't be the easiest lady to serve.

But I needed Dilera gone.

I needed her gone because a wedding was not what was rapidly approaching for me. An escape was what was approaching. And if I successfully escaped, then I have no idea what kind of punishment might befall the maid who was supposed to be watching me.

I don't think I could leave Kiziljer knowing that I might have doomed this young girl in the process.

Finally, Dilera dropped her head in defeat. Even if our relationship often felt like it was more than that of a servant and master, at the end of the day, she had to listen to my orders. "Then perhaps Amah-"

"Not Amah." I cut her off again. "Send a different Maid, preferably someone I don't know." Dilera seemed confused by this request, "Actually, whichever maid you hate the most, send her to me."

"I'm sorry M'lady," Dilera shook her head, "I don't understand what you mean. Why would y-"

"There must be someone among the Maids you don't like." I said, speaking from experience, I had worked at a bagel shop back in Seattle, everyone had a coworker they didn't get along with. "Whichever one she is, send her to be my new maid."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I crossed the room and placed my hands on her shoulders. "Just trust me Dilera, this is for the best."

Dilera nodded her head although I could tell she did not agree with me.

"Perfect!" I squeezed her shoulders and sent her toward the door, "Now go!"

I breathed out a long sigh after she left. That was all I knew that I could do for her. That was all I could do to protect her...

Because tonight I will leave this Palace and never return...