South and Sir

"Sir, don't you think it's about time we give up?" The Duke's advisor asks while staring at a frustrated Altan.

Altan has been looking over maps of Ot Ulut for the past hour, and the longer he has stared at them, the more frustrated he has become.

"Give up?" he repeats the words, and lets his eyes slide to his advisor.

"Yes sir..." the advisor attempts to not be intimidated by the Duke's eyes. "There have been wedding guests waiting at the Palace for almost a whole week now. Surely they are getting antsy."

"So what do you suggest?" Altan stands and crosses his hands over his chest.

His advisor bites his lip, probably worried about how the Duke might react to his words.

"You're my advisor, Barat." Altan says, "Go on... Advise me."

Barat clears his throat. "Ahem, well I suggest two options."


"Either we call off the wedding and say Lady Azul was not fit to be a Duchess, or-"

"Or?" Altan pushes, obviously not intrigued by the first option.

"Or, you find someone else to marry." Barat finishes.

"And where do you suggest I find a Water Mage around here?" Altan rebuttals.

Barat sighs. "I'm saying, Your Grace, don't marry a Water Mage. I'm sure we could find any equally beautiful and far more willing woman in any town in Ot Ulut."

Altan sighs and rubs his hand over his forehead. "And go against everything I have promised my people?" his words come out quiet but fierce.

"Perhaps you can marry a Water Mage for your second wife." Barat suggests.

Altan scoffs at the idea. "Well despite what you think, I plan to marry Azul for more than just the promise I made to my country."

Barat's eyebrows crunch. "Sir, are you saying that you have real feelings for a girl that would rather risk treason than marry you?"

Altan opens his mouth to speak, but before he can respond the door to the small room flies open.

"Your Grace!" A soldier speaks and salutes. "We have a tip!"

"What is it?" Altan rounds the desk.

"There is word of a Water Mage that has been sold to a group of Earth Nomads." the soldier speaks and keeps his salute in place.

"Sold?" Altan echoes.

"Yes, Your Grace," he answers, "It seems whoever this Water Mage is, is a slave."

Altan sighs, some part of him hoping it's not Azul, but a smarter part of him knowing that Azul is stupid enough to get herself into that kind of situation. "Which direction are they heading?"

"South, Your Grace. They are only three days journey from the border into Pani Rastra."

Altan grimaces, if Azul crosses the border it will become nearly impossible to find her. "We're leaving now!" he says and storms out of the room, Barat and a line of soldiers following behind him.