The Meeting

I woke up, sweaty and panting. Just as I thought, the dream returned. Just like it did very night. I couldn't shake the gross touch and revolting smells. Being in this place only made my anxiety worse. I shuttered as I ran a hand through my hair. The fact that Drake didn't wake, was a good sign that I didn't scream. Maybe I could salvage some of the night if I went back to sleep. But I knew better. If I laid back now, I would just continue to be a mess of emotions. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in my arms. What was I going to do?

No matter how much I told myself that none of this was real, that bastard always came back into my dreams. Damn Jasper to hell. Damn him for tormenting me even beyond death. Why was this my punishment? Why was I being punished for defending myself? I felt the mattress move beside me as I quietly shuttered and cried. I didn't want him to see me like this, especially after talking big about how I was ready for this. But really was I?

"Aria? Hey take it easy. I'm right here." Drake's arms wrapped around me. His warmth surprisingly providing me comfort. Involuntarily I felt my self turn and bury myself into his arms, wanting the comfort. He was giving me something that Sebastion never could. A security I never felt even with Nicklos. I felt safe with him, despite our close encounter earlier.

"I'm okay. Just a dream." I told more to myself than to him. He rubbed my back gently, lightly rocking me back and forth. I gripped his shirt tightly in my hands. Maybe he could make the pain go away. Maybe that was why I was so attracted to him, because he cared enough about me to help me get better. I just knew that I couldn't let him go.

"Are you ok? He whispered gently in the dark. His soft voice caused me to shiver as I nodded and sighed. With him he made me feel ok. I didn't feel like I was being touched by Jasper anymore, I could only feel him, his warmth, his presence. I nestled against his neck, the tears finally stopped streaming down my face.

"I can't wait for these to end. Living through it once was enough, but to keep reliving it is just...torturous." Drake stroked my hair gently. Of course I was talking about Jasper tormenting me, the impending doom of the Secret Project, not the killing of so many people.

"I know. Just hang in there. Hopefully this will all be over soon." He whispered. I nodded in agreement. They might disappear once Drakos is dead. Or at least that's what I wished for. Who would no when the terrors would end.

"Can we just, stay like this for a little longer. This is actually helping quite a bit." I murmured, starting to get drowsy again. He held me a bit tighter and leaned back against the wall. I felt him pull the blankets over top of me, furthering the calm and peace I felt wrapped in his arms. I yawned and buried my nose against his clothed chest. His woodsy smell more welcoming then the Tabaco stained room.

"Get some rest. We need to be up in a few hours to watch the tavern." I murmured against his chest. I could hear his fast pounding heart as I settled against him. It slowly lulled me to sleep. This man, although barely knowing me, would go to this length just to let me sleep. He teases me about falling for him, but I feel as though he has already fell for me. Could I really make a good partner? Would he really even accept me as a partner? These thoughts bounced around in my head as I slept.

It wasn't until the sun had rose that I finally woke up. I rubbed my eyes, thankful I could get back to sleep and so comfortably. I looked up and found Drake had passed out leaning against the wall. His breathing was even and shallow as he slept. He really was quite handsome. His features where soft and welcoming. His lips slightly parted, his hair dangled in his face. I casually reached up and brushed them out of his eyes, they fluttered open at the touch. As he woke, he smiled down at me, brushing my own hair away from my face. I felt the heat rise in my face and body at his casual and intimate gesture.

"Sleep well?" I nodded, not really wanting to get up yet. With the cold air in the room and his warmth, I would gladly go back to sleep. But we had a job to do.

"Good. We should probably get going. The more quickly we come up with a proper game plan the better." I pouted, but nodded my head. I tossed the blankets off my body and rolled out of bed. I pulled on my boots, lacing them up and sheathed my daggers back into my boots. I didn't bring my blades because they would be to noticeable.

Drake was standing at the door waiting patiently for me as I finished getting ready. With a nod, we left the room and down the stairs. The receptionist was gone, so Drake placed the keys on the desk. We headed out and into the barren market. I was thankful considering everything that happened last night.

An occasional supply wagon would make their rounds coming down the road. These where the good villagers that dutifully tended to the people through out the day. The evil lurked around at night. I felt bad for these people. Sure they got paid well if they weren't murdered at night. Tragic really. Without having to push our way through people, it was easier to get to the Tavern. A few soldiers came in and out, talking loud and laughing at their 'scores'. I grimaced, pulling my hood tightly over my head. How could people be okay with this behavior. Why do women let them use their bodies?

We approached the tavern. The wooden shingles where rotten and falling off, the side panels looked just as bad. The sign, dangled on one chain, the Guild signet etched into the wood. A lot has changed since we left. The tavern use to be open to everyone. Now people had to flash their signets just to get through. Made me wonder just how far these people had to sink to let the Assassins Guild take over their home town. What where they planning on doing here?

"How interesting. It looks like they over took the town. Explains why it was so pact last night. I could only imagine having control of the place attracted every scum in town." I muttered to myself as I stared up at the sign.

"So that's why he wanted us to keep an eye on the tavern. This seems to be their home away from home. Like a second headquarter." Drake stated blandly as he looked up with me. That's exactly what this was. All sorts of evil would gather and that would cause it to spread. That was there tactic. Recruit the lowest of the low. But why? What where they planning?

"I can maybe get us in. I'll use my alias and hope it's still clean." Drake hesitated, I could see his shoulders tense. Don't do this Drake, we need to get inside. There was a light knocking in the distance. Something only I would be able to pick up. I looked over around Drake's shoulder, lightly wrapping on the side of the wall in response. It was dangerous, but I knew exactly who it was. A small figure in black leaned against a vendor booth across the road. Jaden. I could pinpoint his slender figure out from any where. My fear was becoming a reality.

Drake eyed me suspiciously, turning his head in the direction I was facing. Now that he was looking away from me, I motioned for him to stay low. Hoping he wouldn't interfere. With a small nod, he pushed off the empty vendor stand and into the alley behind him. Jaden, you have piss poor timing as always. Please stay out of my way.

"Aria, who was that?" Drake asked, his voice dangerously low. I grabbed his arm and led him to the tavern. Putting as much distance between us and Jaden. I knew the others wouldn't be far behind him, and I knew that they would want answers. But right now I needed to get into the tavern to spy on Drakos men.

"I'll explain later. Right now we need to get inside." He said nothing as I led him up the rotten stairs of the tavern. Each step creaking and groaning under our feet. I let go of his arm and stood before the man dressed in black, his arms where crossed over his shoulder menacingly, trying to look intimidating.

"Signet?" He demanded loudly. His voice booming and echoed through the alley. Was he trying to let the others know I had arrived? But I fished in my pocket for the signet I pulled out last night and showed it to his face. He nodded once in confirmation that it was real.

"Your name?" He asked darkly. Still trying to keep up the dark bravado. How cute.

"Olivia Blackwell. This here is Frank Shevous." The man paused and the waved us in. His whole demeanor changing at the sound of our names. I won't say that we where well behaved under these names. We use to cause a lot of ruckus before Nicklos and Gavin where sent off to join the Secret Project.

"Finally you two came back. It was starting to get boring around here." The man grumbled as we walked in. I couldn't help the smile that crawled to my lips. Knowing full well he meant that no one could amount to the damage that we could cause. It was unfortunate I couldn't remember this man's name.

"I'll try and raise some hell!" I called over my shoulder. I heard him chuckle as the door closed. It was good to know that some good Assassins still existed and had a sense of humor. I had no doubt that if he found out who I really was he would report me though. Everyone was an enemy.

"Frank Shevous?" I heard the amusement in Drake's tone. I laughed darkly, nodding my head. Ah yes, Sebastion's on the spot alias. Not very creative of inventive, and lucky for us they bought it when he mumbled it out. The name though was a cute reminder of our old horses.

"Sebastion isn't creative with his names. He actually added two of our old horses names together for his alias." Drake laughed under his breath. It warmed me up hearing him laugh again. Since my nightmare this morning he seemed to start opening up again. It was good to see that he didn't hold my little encounter with Jaden to heart. I for sure was thinking he would turn against me and call me a traitor. He has more trust and faith in me then I thought. How foolish of him. I grabbed his hand gently, using it to steer him and make our way through the tavern.

It was dark inside. Only a few dim lamps from above illuminated the room. The walls and ceiling where made from a dark oak. Several tables where placed around the room. Five chairs around each one. Some wooden chairs where missing pegs, chipped, and scratched up from years of use. A single long bar sat at the back, the bartender quickly supplying drinks to the guild members at the counter. Everyone was wearing black hood over their heads. The Guild way. But a man sitting with a few others stood out the most. He wore a gold pin on his chest. The sign of a general.

"To the left sits our man. The King hasn't shown up yet by the looks of it. We need to casually find a seat nearby." I muttered quietly. He said nothing, but I knew he understood. We walked over to the table closest to the aisle. It was a few tables away, so we wouldn't look entirely suspicious. With the music thumping in the background and the loud chatter, no one would suspect I was listening in. Now to put it to the test, hopefully we where close enough to hear over the music. We sat down at the wooden table, scuff marks and holes covering the surface. Years of drunken abuse covering the once shiny and polished table. Drake waved over a walking waitress. High heels, short skirt, to tight pink blouse with the top buttons undone. Her skin was smooth and olive in color. Her brown hair fell straight on the sides of her face. She swayed her hips as she walked over, her butt shaking side to side. I rolled my eyes and drummed my fingers irritatingly on the table. Did every woman around here think that they could put there hands on him because they had the indecency of a harlot.

"Two beers please." Drake didn't seem impressed by her appearance, and I couldn't help the smirk that appeared under my mask. The server grinned and leaned forward, one hand on the back of his chair. Her face dangled in front of his. That was too close you bimbo. Hands off him. He seemed unfazed as she brazenly pushed herself into his bubble.

"Why not just come with me instead honey. I can give you a few on the house." I gritted my teeth, my fingers stilling. Was she implying that he go with her? The audacity. This woman had no idea who she was dealing with, and she was about to deal with a very pissed off ex general Assassin.

"Listen broad, he's taken. Move it along." I hissed under my breath. She shot me a dirty look as she straightened her posture. Sulking she swayed her hips even more as she walked away, glancing to see if Drake was watching. When he didn't look her way she tossed her hair over her shoulders annoyed.

"That's twice now. Are you sure you aren't falling for me." The amusement dripped from his tone. I wouldn't let him find satisfaction in my jealousy. I knew exactly what he was doing, and he was trying to get under my skin. Unfortunately it was working.

"Can it bean pole, we are working." I grumbled. His shoulders shook as he suppressed his laughter. As we waited for our mock drinks, I tried to listen to what the general was saying. I could hear his voice, but it was hard to make out any words. The chatter was just loud enough and the music made it that much harder. All I needed was a little more room and he would be mine. Damn it.

"He's just out of reach." I growled. Drake sat quietly and then waved me over. What was he planning? He was calm and calculating as I made my way over to him, fingers trailing on the table as I watched the General talking. I could start to make out his words. But quickly I was distracted by the sudden movements Drake had made.

"Let's make this official then." He pulled me down into his lap, straddling him. My face turned bright red and I stiffened. This was his plan? After last night I don't think I could keep my head on straight. The close proximity of our bodies as we sat together. My body flaring brightly as he placed his fingers gently against my hip. I could feel his breath on my face as he forced me closer to him. This wasn't going to work, he was such a distraction. How was I suppose to listen like this?

"I thought you where a pro?" He mused. This was not a time to joke! God my head was so foggy now. All I wanted was for him to fun his fingers down my body and make me come alive. I felt my self shiver and tried to push the indecent thoughts and images away from my head. You are strong Aria, you can do it.

"You fail to understand that you are not my intended target Drake. This is out of my comfort zone." I hissed into his ear. I felt him chuckle underneath me, the feeling so foreign but so welcome at the same time. I could melt just from his touch.

"Relax. Tell me if you can hear him now. We can't move any closer unless we want to look suspicious. At least this way you look preoccupied." He had a point. If I looked busy, it would look like I was entertaining someone as opposed to listening in on a conversation. So I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. Come on body, don't fail me now. So Instead of focusing on the awkward position, I zeroed in on the General.

"When the hell is this stupid jackass supposed get here? I actually have stuff i'm suppose to do." Hissed a solider.

"He should be here any minute. Don't disrespect him either. We need his help in our up coming plans." The General replied. Was he going to spill it? Drake's hands tightened around my waist as I heard the drinks being delivered. So I giggled in response, acting like he said something funny. When she left I leaned close to his ear.

"I can hear them just fine. Sounds like they are plotting something. I'll whisper anything I hear." Drake gave a silent nod as he casually picked up a glass, brown liquid sloshing around. I grimaced and continued listening in on their conversation. A distant squeaking noise caught my attention as I saw five assassins sit at the table just to the left of us. Drake tensed under me. I cursed as I made out Jaden's form. This was not what I meant by staying low. What was he doing here?

"Relax, they will not hurt us. Trust me." I whispered to him before returning my attention to the General. But before I could, Drake pulled my face to look at him, a finger cupped under my chin. For a split moment I thought he would graze his lips against mine, but it never came. I couldn't help the disappointed feeling that coursed through my body.

"The King has arrived." He whispered, his hood pulled close to mine as I felt the breeze as he walked by. Damn, I didn't even hear him enter. This guy was either way to quiet, or Drake was more distracting than I thought.