
I sat at the empty table, my thoughts rambling about my mind. Love, that cursed feeling. The only emotion that ever brought me any happiness in my life. The only time I ever felt love was when my parents where alive. Back then things where so simple. Now, things where different. I shut my emotions down, pushed myself away from everyone the best I could. Because deep down, I didn't want to get close to anyone. I didn't want to experience the same pain I felt when my mother and father died. I didn't want to go through that pain again. Even when Nicklos passed, my sorrow was just a fragment of what I felt the day I lost my parents.

Now things where more difficult. Sebastion's life was in jeopardy, my live was being fought over, and it seemed that the whole world was about to crumble. I felt small before this all came to light, but now I felt fragile, helpless. I went from notorious and well known General, to a tiny ant. A small child once again tossed into the world to fight for her life. I knew that through this I wasn't alone, but they weren't subjected to the same things I was. They have no idea how dangerous this was all becoming. All it would take was one moment, one slip, and one word. I would be thrown back into Drakos's arms and subjected to whatever he wanted.

I couldn't face him alone, I couldn't protect everyone like I wanted to. Wouldn't it be better if I disappeared? Drakos couldn't have what he wanted and that would make him weak. Then the others could storm his Guild and take over from there. If I where in inanimate object, wouldn't that be the first priority? Get rid of the key? Wouldn't this take Sebastion off the radar? I buried my head in my hands. It was becoming increasingly difficult to control how I felt. This relationship between Drake and I was still fresh, he would move on easily. It's not like we really knew each other any way. Sure he practically knew my life story, but he didn't know me. Anything I knew about him, was that he helped rescue me three years ago. That's all I know. He was still a stranger. A stranger that made me feel safe and warm despite the storm that rolled angrily outside.

Would this really be enough to push me over the edge? Isn't killing myself cowardly? Would everyone really be safe if I tossed myself over the edge? It would be best to suck it up for now. It was going to be tough, and I didn't have the heart to make Sebastion suffer once more. Hadn't he suffered enough too? Add on the the death of his sister and he might crack as well. Death didn't always solve everything, and right now everyone needed me to be strong. It was the only way we would ever bring down Drakos.

"Aria? I didn't expect you to be alone." I jumped in surprise at Aspin's voice. It was calm and cool. It was a little weird even for me. Where did his energetic and chipper personality go? I watched as he pulled a chair out from the table, screeching lightly as it dragged across the floor. His eyes where dead, no light shone brightly like they once did. What changed in him?

"Oh yes, I can only assume Sebastion is still sleeping so I came here to relax. How has your training been going? You where doing so well when I left." I tried to force the compliment out with a smile. Something felt off about him, something dark had entered his heart.

"Sebastion has done a wonderful job teaching me. I never knew it could be so tiring though." He clasped his hands in front of him, so nonchalant. He wouldn't look directly at me though, always avoiding my gaze. What was he doing here? It was evident he didn't want to just have a normal conversation. I had the sudden urge to go grab Sebastion, but I had to play it cool. The last thing I wanted was for him to get offended if I was just being to overly cautious.

"Well that's good! Maybe later you can show me what he's taught you. After all I use to be his trainer. It will be good to spar against someone other than Sebastion." Aspin gave a small laugh and his eyes met mine. There was no emotion, it was devoid of all life. I felt the dread crawl up my back. I could feel my muscles tense at his stare. Oh Aspin, what have you done? What did you do to kill yourself inside.

"You don't seem well these days Aspin. Does something bother you?" His eyes searched mine, it almost seemed robotic. Like he was seeing me, but not entirely. There was someone else behind the controls. But he smiled regardless and slowly rose from the table.

"I am just very tired. Would you accompany me on a walk? It's so stuffy in here." So many alarms told me not to go, but if there was something bothering him, then I wanted to help. So I gave a small smile and nodded. Besides, we where so far out in the middle of nowhere, what could possibly happen? It wasn't like anyone knew were we where after all. Perched high up in the mountains on a cliff side. I don't think even anyone knew about this place other than Master and his minions.

"I suppose it would be nice to get some fresh air. The weather is still warm right now and autumn will soon be upon us. So let's go for a walk." I pushed away from the table and stood to my feet. It was just walk, so why was I feeling so nervous. If Aspin was up to something, there was no doubt that I could over take him. With my body restored back to full health, I was just as dangerous as ever. I would just need to stay on my toes and keep my ears peeled. It wasn't like I ever trusted Aspin before, but his whole demeanor change was very fishy.

I thought about telling Sebastion, but he trusts Aspin. If I woke him up to explain my distrust, then he might get really annoyed and irritated. I couldn't handle his grumpy mood with my semi fragile emotions right now. So if Aspin was seriously just going through a mid-life crisis, then it would be a good distraction from myself. I followed Aspin out the main door, and into the warm sun light. The beams felt nice as they came across my face, enlightening my stressed being. The trees clattered lightly with the warm summer breeze. Birds chirped and screeched as they plowed through the air, chasing after one another.

"So you and Drake huh?" Aspin's his voice still detached as we walked. I stared down at the dirt road we walked upon and smiled. Drake, even his name made smile. What a weasel. Didn't he once threaten me that my walls would crumble and I would be unguarded? How right had he been, and now I was wrapped around his finger.

"Yeah I guess. Kind of spontaneous." The silence fell between us. Dirt and dried leaves crunched under our feet. The air started to feel tense, maybe even dark. I searched Aspin's face as we walked further down the path, slowly rounding the corner away from the manor. His lips where almost set into a grimace, his eyes once so bright and cheerful had turned dark and angry.

"I wonder...if anything where to happen to you, would he get in our way?" I felt my heart freeze, ice ran straight through my veins. His lips turned into a deadly sneer. His eyes where glowing, but not from happiness. No, he had turned into a monster now. Pure evil now evident on his face, his true intentions where now revealed. I heard the crunching in the distance, multiple steps. He had betrayed us. You idiot, what have you done?

"Aspin what have you done? Do you even realize what you are doing?" I tried scanning the dense trees, searching for the assassins that would appear any moment. I reached for my back, but cursed when I came up with nothing. I carelessly left my blades at the Manor. I only had my daggers, and it would have to be enough until I subdued them.

"I know exactly what I am doing Aria. It was the plan the whole time. Do you really think that Drakos wouldn't know were you where? How Naïve to think that you could escape him. He simply just let you live until he was ready for you. Tell me Aria, are you scared?" Like hell! I wouldn't be scared of some stupid kid! Nor would I go down without a fight. I had about two minutes before they would enter the clearing. I needed to make it quick if I was going to disarm Aspin. I eyed him, searching his body for any weapon that I might be able to use on him. But to my dismay he had nothing. They knew what I would do. Damn you Aspin. There was a screech that filled the air, angry and loud.

Aspin looked up alarmed, his eyes growing wide in what almost looked like fear. I didn't have time to assess his reaction. What ever caused him to be fearful, was going to be my advantage. So I used that moment to unsheathe my dagger and strike at him. I aimed for his chest, wanting the blade to plunge through his heart. But despite being distracted, he evaded my efforts. With a grin, he turned his attention to me, gripping my wrist in his hand. I didn't have time to comprehend what had happened before he laid a gut wrenching blow to my abdomen. I fell to my knees winded. How was he so fast? It was almost super natural like my own!

"You have no idea what it going on around you do you Aria? Do you even realize why you are so important to Drakos? This no longer has to do with the death of his son. This is far more than that." I hissed through my teeth angrily. What was he talking about? What did this bastard know?

"You will die for this Aspin. You will pay for what you are about to do. I can hear them you know. Five assassins and they are surrounding us. I also can hear that they are heavily armed. All it is going to take is one Assassin to fall, and then guess what? You are all dead. So go ahead and toy with me. You won't last for much longer." My voice was dark, detached much like his own. My hands shook in rage. I was enraged that I was told to trust the people that the Master had recruited. I was told to let my guard down and let people in. But look what it has done? I wouldn't make the same mistake again. Who could I trust now? But right now, I did know that Aspin had to die.

I kicked his chest and pulled my wrist from his grasp. He tried to hold on tightly, but I twisted and kicked at his head, hoping he would let go. My foot made contact with his head and he grunted. I panted heavily, adrenaline now pumping through my veins like a heard of horses. I was hoping that when he recovered, he would be in fear. That he would see the monster I was and realize he had made a mistake. But in the end he just laughed, dark and manically. He laid out of the ground, his face in his hands. The sight was truly unsettling. I could feel the unease crawl through my body, making me itch under my uniform. This bastard was no ordinary assassin.

"Give up Aria. Drakos wants you alive, but he didn't say you had to be in pristine condition. So why don't you sit there like an obedient soldier hm?" I heard him muse. Fuck being an obedient solider. If he thought for two seconds that I would just lay here and submit, then he was very lost. He didn't know me clearly, and didn't realize what I was capable of. So he would die like every other man or woman who had the displeasure of meeting me.

"You know what I hate the most Aspin? I hate arrogant men. You think so lowly of me, you forgot who you where dealing with. I may let my guard down, but that doesn't mean I can't kill you. Now why don't you sit there and die like a good soldier?" I threw back my arm and launched my dagger at him. It sliced cleanly through the air as it spun towards Aspin. Quick and deft, it lodged into his heart. The surprise on his face quickly faded as the air escaped his lungs. The empty void now more vacant than ever as he let out his last breath. What a pitiful bastard. If he had been armed, he may have stood a better chance.

But it wasn't over yet. I may have killed Aspin, but he wasn't the brains. No far from it. The crunching of leaves had now stopped, and there stood five assassins. They had bared witness to the death of their comrades, and the air was now like a burning fire. They weren't angry about the death of their comrade, now they where angry that he wasn't able to subdue me. All of them where so cocky and arrogant. Especially the man who stood before me, a gold signet on his clothes. The General. I sneered at him, a deadly grin spreading across my face as I wrenched my dagger from Aspin's chest.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon, replacement." Detached, I walked towards him, boldly getting into his face. I watched as he brought his hands up into a slow clap, his hood shaking as a sickening laughter filled the air. Hearing him pissed me off, I could feel the blood boiling under my skin.

"It really is such a pleasure to see you again, Aria." His tone was deadly. Not a drop of sincerity could be heard. This was business after all. What was I to expect.