
"Aria, can you hear me? I need you to wake up." Drake's voice was soft yet soothing as my shoulders where slightly shook. I could feel my heart pound lightly in my chest just at his words. How disgusting that my body still reacted to him even though he was now the enemy. I would get to the bottom of this, right before I killed everyone of them. I let my hand slowly drag across the bed and to my thigh. I patted it slightly, looking for my blade. I came up with nothing and gritted my teeth. That's right, I dropped them back on the dirt path. I was even worse off now than I was with Aspin. I was completely disarmed now.

"Aria, stop and listen to me-" I cut him off as I bolted upright in the bed and launched myself at him. My hands gripping his shoulders as I knocked him out of the chair he was sitting him. Surprise lit his dark blue eyes as I glared at him. Before I could roll off him or assess my surroundings, hands gripped my shoulders and threw me off Drake. My back made contact with a wall and knocked the wind out of me. Master was now standing before me, separating me from Drake who was still on the floor.

"What did you do to me you backstabbing bastard?" I hissed through my teeth. Master made no move and just crossed his arms, watching me. I couldn't read him, he was stoic and expressionless. If he wasn't going to answer me, then I would leave. I let my eyes wander around the room, looking for an opening. It was small, smaller than the rooms I was use to sleeping in. More importantly, it was a small stone room with no windows. I peeked around Master's shoulders and noticed a gate. Was I in a prison cell? Since when did the Manor have a dungeon? So I glared at Drake who had pieced himself together and stood. He dusted himself off as he casually walked over to me. His eyes where hard and dark, the friendliness faded as he stared me down. I tensed as he stood before me. That seemed to make him more angry.

"Aspin acted alone in his attack Aria. We aren't here to hurt you." Drake said coolly. I scoffed at him. What was he trying to do, suck up so he could drop my guard again? Not likely. I pressed myself further up against the wall, trying to get more distance between us as I tried to scan the room again. There had to be a way to get out of here. I just needed to stall them until I could escape.

"You already got passed me once. It won't happen again." I muttered darkly. I watched him stiffen, now visibly pissed. He advanced towards me, dangerously slow as he closed the distance between us. I growled out a warning, but he didn't stop until he was practically pressed up against me.

"If I really wanted to hand you over to Drake I would have done so the day you agreed to join us. Truthfully I am already pissed that Aspin managed to weasel his way into our group and get to you to start with. Even more so that you managed to get hurt as well. I told 'Master' that you where to be guarded at all costs and I was let down." He casted his last remark over his shoulder. Master didn't move or say a word, but took the lashings nonchalantly.

"Your pretty words do not sway me Drake. If you want me to trust you again you are going to have to try a lot harder than that." I seethed angrily. He sighed in desperation, but then nodded. His face fell in defeat, but he didn't back off. I watched as he fought himself, watched as he battled with the emotions that over came him. Fear, anger, despair. I couldn't bring myself to sympathize with him though. Not after they managed to knock me out without even a weapon or touch. Maybe if they start answering me truthfully, maybe I would work with them willingly. But I could never trust them again.

"Tell me how you knocked me unconscious, then maybe I will be willing to work with you." I saw Master stiffen as Drake turned on him, his face filled with rage. The dark storm brewed angrily in his eyes as he stared him down. Was this not mentioned to Drake? How interesting that they would keep this from him. Assessing the relationship, it looked like Drake was in charge and not actually the Master. Master, was much like the Henchman. An actual henchman. So what was really behind this group that they worked so hard to form?

"You what?" Drake spat angrily. I watched as Master unfolded his arms and pointed at me.

"It was either that or blunt force. What would you rather me do? After she took down the other Assassins she became completely unhinged. You couldn't talk to her to save her life." Master spoke passively, never raising his voice. It was like he had a natural passive aura. Or maybe he just knew Drake well enough to not be afraid of his leaders rage. Either way it was a weird encounter to witness. Drake sighed angrily and motioned for me towards the bed. It was a cot like bed with chains attached to the wall. I eyed him warily, not taking my eyes off of him as I walked to the bed. As I sat, Drake righted the chair that I had toppled him in and straddled it in front of me. His face once again hardened.

"What do you know about Magic Aria?" His voice was soft, empty. Magic was dead. Has been for years.

"During Malfathicus's reign two centuries ago, he had banned it. Even went as far as rallying human troops to take down anyone who possessed even a sliver of magic. Shifters, mages, priests, fairies, the likes. After his reign, every child after him kept up the ban, and magic eventually died." A hint of amusement crossed Drake's face. Did I say something funny? I could feel the irritation growing again as I watched him.

"Partially true. You see, during Malfathicus's reign he did kill off a lot of Magic kind. But he didn't kill everyone. A lot of magic kind went into hiding, blending in with the humans or completely moving entirely to avoid further massacres. There isn't a lot of those who can wield magic left. That includes us." So magic still exists after all? I guess I wasn't entirely surprised, because to wipe out all of magic kind would be impossible. There where very smart beings out there that would adapt and change to avoid extinction. I guess I can relate to that myself, adapting to the environment of the Guild so we weren't murdered.

"Makes sense. You need to adapt to survive. So then what are you then?" Drake seemed pleased with my answer, because he smiled with relief.

"Well we are shifters. We can transform to a certain breed based on our heritage. Of course we can use our magic for small creatures as well." So the Golden Hawk, was that a shifter then? Had they been spying on us this whole time? I glared at Drake upon the realization.

"You've been spying on us!" I felt the anger soar through me as the words escaped my lips. These bastards never trusted us from the start. They preached to me about trust and not once did they ever. Not really. Drake shook his head sadly, his black hair dangled in his eyes as he tried to look at me pleadingly.

"It's not like that Aria. It wasn't meant for ill intentions I promise. I just wanted them to keep you safe while I was busy." I huffed angrily and buried my head in my hands. I could take care of myself. Had I not already proven that? Had I not proven that I could take care of any serious situations I may end up in?

"Why does my safety matter to you anyway? Does this have to do with what I truly am?" The General's last words had entered my thoughts. Was I special in a different way then? Did Drake really even care for me deeply? Was this all a façade? I felt like I had been toyed with, my emotions and feelings where on display and I let him use me. My stomach tightened into a knot.

"What do you mean Aria? What do you mean by who you truly are?" Master walked to the bed now and sat beside me. The mattress bowed underneath his weight. I raised my head and eyed him warily as I shifted uncomfortable under his hidden gaze. His face may be hidden, but that didn't hide the fact that he was staring at me intensely. His eyes boring into my face. If they didn't know about what I was talking about, there was no way that they would be working for Drakos. At least not as his close minions. Maybe they could provide me some answers as well. They may be useful yet.

"Before I killed the General, he made a comment about how I naïve I was to not know what Drakos wanted me for. Of course it doesn't make sense, but I can't help but think it has to do with my special abilities. I can heal fast, my speed is supernatural compared to others, my hearing is exceptional. It only makes sense that I am not just some mere human. But maybe I am something...more." I raised my hand to my chin. Was I too by chance of some magical heritage? But my parents never displayed any kind of ability before, and my own didn't really kick in until around my thirteenth birthday. That was also about the time that Drakos had really started to favor me as well. Giving me 'special' treatments. Did he know all along?

"It's hard to say but I wouldn't rule it out. The only way to know for sure is to ask your family..."Master trailed off as I laid back on the bed, tears in my eyes. I would love to be able to ask my family, but they where all dead. I didn't even know if mom or dad had any other family. They where always so evasive about it. Anytime we asked the subject would change or their reply was 'Not anyone worth mentioning'. So how was I suppose to hunt down a family I wasn't even sure existed?

"Sure, let me just ask their corpse." I said bitterly to the ceiling. My heart felt hollowed out, the empty void I was fighting for so long only wrapping its self tighter around me. The drowning feeling returning but this time I let it submerge me. I closed my eyes in anguish as I let the tide carry me. I needed Sebastion. Sebastion was my only anchor in my life. The only thing that I could rely on to have my back.

"Maybe you can give us their names? We can dig around and see if we can find anything in their records. Where did you live?" I sighed and let the tears fall. They hit the mattress on either side of me as I tried to muster the strength to speak. I could feel the crushing weight of my depression, just like the day they died. I took in a shuddery breath before speaking.

"Their names are Seraphina and Draynar Steele. We lived in a small village East of the Eastern Kingdom called Celeste." The room grew quiet. The pounding of my heart was the only thing that filled the void between the three of us. Getting anxious I propped myself on my elbows and stared up at them. They where watching me, like I was ghost. Drake's face was pale, stunned even. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion. Why where they so quiet?

"Why are you so quiet? What did I say?" I gently kicked Drake's seat and he slightly jumped, startled. I looked to Master who turned his head to Drake, like he was waiting for his answer as well. What where they not telling me?

"It is all making sense now. Your hunger for blood, your need for war, and your capable abilities. How did I not piece this all together sooner?" Drake asked staring at me. Irritation coursed through me now. Why where they not telling me what I needed to know? Why where they beating around the bush?

"If your Father was truly Draynar Steele, he was one of the very last Blood Dragon's to exist. The King of All Dragons."