
The wind whipped through my hair, sending it flying like an untamed beast into the air. On the wind carried moisture and the promise of rain. Rain, it's honestly been a long time since I felt the cool droplets against my skin. Of course with rain came the haunting memories of battles from so long ago. I could feel the droplets run down my arms and face like never ending sheets. Running the loose dirt into my eyes as I gazed over the thousands of bodies that laid before me. A haunting graveyard of enemies and allies.

The city below me turned into field. A field laid with red fresh oozing blood. Bodies laid silently on the ground, devoid of life and emotion. Stab wounds, gashes, slit throats, the likes covered and marred their bodies. The sickly smell of metallic spread through the air like a wild fire on a hot day. It was dense and intoxicating, pumping my veins full of life and strength. Metal clashing against metal filled the air. War cries and screams surrounded me, filling my ears with the horror that unfurled before me. I stood among a massive graveyard of dead bodies. No matter how hard the rain fell, it would never wash away my sins of murder.

I walked through the haunting field, letting my blades drag across the ground as I stepped over soldiers and even some helpless villagers who got caught in the cross fire. There wasn't a tree for miles, so the sun had beat down upon the ground, and heated up the deceased bodies. The smell went from sickly sweet blood, to sour and rotten corpses. Every inhale was tough, causing my throat to hitch and gag at the horrible smell. The rain wouldn't wash away the smell, wouldn't wash away the pain that I not only felt, but caused as well. The pain I created as I stormed villages and slain anyone who got in my way. At the time, I was only a child. A child who didn't understand that she was really murdering innocent people. I was only trying to protect myself and Sebastion, because at the time that was all that mattered.

It wasn't until I got older, closer to my twenties I realized what I was doing. I was killing others just on a whim, and really I was no better than Drakos. Even if I had turned myself around back then, it still wouldn't take away from everything I had done. Wouldn't bring back those innocent people. The only good I managed to do while in the Guild, was help those that didn't want the life, to escape. Faked their deaths and sent them on their way. I even went and faked the death of a few assigned clients because there was no real need for their deaths. They where just loose ends that Drakos wanted taken cared of.

So now I sat in the down pour of my own life, reflecting what I really had accomplished in my life, and realized that I had managed to cause more destruction and misery then any real good. There was nothing I could do to redeem myself, so I would drown in my own grief and remember the people I had murdered, and hoped that they would forgive the small fearful girl that ended their lives before it was time.

"Aria? Are you alright?" The rain dissipated and I was left dry, the wind still gently caressing my hair. A gentle hand wrapped around my torso and I couldn't help the small smile that crossed over my lips. I was hoping that Drake would still be asleep, and leave me to my thoughts. I didn't deserve his kind words and affections.

"Rain. It's coming." I said looking over the Kingdom. People the size of small dots milled around the bottom of the castle. You could hear the distant chatter rise from the ground. Laughs and screeches filtered through the air. These people had no real idea what was going on, and they where happy with their ignorant bliss. I wish I could be apart of that, just for a moment I wish I could be one of them.

"I do feel the moisture in the air, but there is a deeper meaning then just rain isn't there? It's not like you to get sentimental over such trivial things." He spoke gently as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. I inwardly scoffed at him. It really has only been a few weeks at most now since we started dating and he was already acting like he knew me. Time had passed now.

"Not to press your buttons so early in the morning, but what do you really know about me Drake? You know I am tormented by my past, but do you really understand why? Sure Drakos did so many unspeakable things to me, but they will never surpass the actual pain I feel for all those people I murdered. I'm not talking about the Guild either. I am talking about the innocent lives I stole just to protect mine. Because I was little and impressionable. All I knew back then was that I wanted the pain to stop, and never truly understood my consequences until I stood on a field of dead bodies. Realized what horrible person I was becoming. But it was already to late. The damage had been done. Now I am to mull over my consequences until the day I die." I leaned against the banister of the balcony. He was quiet while the tears fell from my eyes. He would be at a loss for words because he didn't grow up the way I did. Wasn't forced to join an army so evil that even they turned against each other on such a whim. I wish I had grown up like citizens, unaware that their was an impending doom that loomed over their heads. Their oblivion to what was going on around them was almost laughable.

"These people don't even have any idea what is going on around them. They live in utter ignorance and bliss that I could laugh. They don't realize that a storm is brewing over their heads, and they could be swept away by the destruction that we cause. It won't matter that we are fighting with them or against them, because just like me, they didn't choose it. They are innocent, they have hopes, dreams, and wishes. They want to grow old with people they love and watch their kids grow to be wonderful people. That is the kind of ignorance I wish I had." I felt Drake's arm tighten around my waist in silent comfort, but he couldn't comfort this. The empty void that grew with every passing day and threatened to consume me. It's true the Drake had started to ease that pain, but it would never truly go away.

"Aria, you never had a choice. You can't blame yourself for trying to survive because no matter what race you are, that is instinct. Even as a child the will to live is strong. You are only a better person now for trying to make a change. Don't let your past keep haunting you because you can't change it. You can only focus on the future and how you grow. You are a good person regardless of your past, because you are part of the change. You are part of the good that will come after this war. As for these people, sure they live in ignorance. They live in ignorance because of people like us who are willing to sacrifice everything to protect them." I looked up at him from over my shoulder, a sad smile creeping across my lips. Their was a lot of sadness behind his blue eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because was feeling sorry for me, or if he was experiencing his own grief.

"Almost like you speak from experience yourself your Majesty." His smile never faltered as he cupped my cheek with his hand, dragging his thumb casually across my skin.

"I have faced many battles myself Aria. It's under different circumstances, but war is war. It wouldn't be called war if there wasn't at least some death involved and it always affects everyone differently." I turned in his arms and wrapped my hands around his neck. I couldn't help the tears that poured silently from my eyes as he gazed with so much love down at me. My heart ached, but it wasn't from pain. I truly and deeply did love this man. Maybe more than I could handle.

"I have somethings I must deal with this morning my little rose, so please make yourself comfortable. If you need to leave the room, then I beg you to please wear your mask and hood at all times. I would rather you stay here, but I won't force you. I respect your need for freedom, I just hope you take precautions." He planted a quick kiss against my lips before pulling away and walking through the balcony doors. I followed him into the room, watching as he tidied up the documents strewn around on the table. He was always working so hard. Every night so far he stayed up late into the night, and would only get a few hours of sleep before slipping away and dealing with the Kingdom. It was almost as if he was use to this kind of work.

I knew it wasn't unheard of for Royals to basically sleep deprive themselves to handle their citizens and other government issues. But it was hard watching Drake push himself that much harder to take care of not only his Kingdom, but also a friendly residing one. A relationship I still wasn't sure how it formed. Every time I would bring it up, Drake would just smile and change the subject. I wrapped my arms around him from behind, wishing he wouldn't leave.

"Please come back soon. I hate seeing you so stressed out. I only wish you would let me help you." I mumbled against his back. He patted my hand gently in reassurance before I let him go.

"You are by staying out of trouble. As long as I don't have to worry about you, I am happy. I'll be back as soon as this meeting is over." A swift kiss of the forehead and he was out the door. His warmth a fading presence as I was left alone in the room. It was quiet, and lonely feeling. Almost as if he took the light with him, and leaving me a dark void in this life. I gave a pitiful sigh and ran a hand through my hair. I would really need to learn how to cope without him. Just like Sebastion I wasn't going to always be able to rely on him.

Sebastion, I hadn't talked to him in a few days. After he learned that we where both Blood Dragons, he kind of holed himself in his room and kept his distance. I had fallen asleep halfway through the conversation the other night, so I wasn't really able to gather much of a reaction from him. But clearly it didn't end on a good note. What about the conversation had made him so angry? I guess this was a better time than ever to find out. He was just across the hall after all. I bit down on my thumb anxiously. Would he be mad at me for not coming to him sooner? With communication with the other Assassins, it took up a lot of my time to coordinate proper plans.

After a few agonizing seconds, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to just walk in and see how he was doing. So with a sigh, I pulled open the door. But to my surprise he was already standing their, his hand poised to knock on the door. Surprise lit up his face as he stood their. I quickly pulled him in and shut the door behind him. I launched myself at him and wrapped him into a tight hug. He grunted against the sudden gesture and wrapped his arms around me in response.

"I am so sorry Sebastion. I meant to come find you these last few days, but I got caught up in dealing with the other Assassins-" Sebastion let me go and held me at arms length, anger lighting up is jade eyes.

"You have been doing ground work knowing you are being hunted?" He hissed angrily. I stared at him in confusion, and then it dawned on me that I never told him about the meeting with our team. I cursed my self for my scattered thoughts and sighed. I quickly explained to him in depth what went down at the Tavern and how we ran into Jaden and the others. He sat their quietly, staring at me with out really even looking at me. I could see the gears turning in his head and then watched as his face hardened.

"We don't even know what Drakos's full plan is. If they get caught here, they would be killed on the spot for treason. It may even lead to the discovery of you. What makes you think this is going to work?" I could sense the agitation in his voice as he expressed his concern. Of course I already had this conversation once with Drake already, and I stand by what I said as well. There is not other team I trusted more, than them. They could take care of things quickly and undetected better than other Assassins.

"Sebastion, we both have worked with these people. We know their skills in and out, have faith that we can do this undetected." I offered as a response and he sighed. He let go of my shoulders and walked slowly away, pacing the floor. Something he did when he was stressed.

"Yeah, but so don't the other Assassins. You don't think that they weren't already suspicious before we left? Drakos isn't stupid, and upon their absence, he will piece together what is happening. I hope that you can work fast Aria, because now we are running out of time." Damn it he was right. He knew how close we worked together at the Guild. I am sure he kept a close eye on them as well in case they even thought of turning against him. I just hoped that after three years maybe he lost interest and wouldn't realize their absence until it was already too late.

"Sebastion have faith. Drakos won't even realize that he has been duped." I gave a reassuring smile as I crossed the room. His pacing stilled and he looked down at me. I knew he trusted me, but what he couldn't trust was the Assassins. They are just as cunning and as scheming as we where. Putting assassins against assassins was a battle in itself. I just hope that I can keep things going smoothly and we can uncover more information. The more we have, they more we can plan accordingly.