Vulnerable King


Tension rose in the clearing as Reth scowled at the men bowing in front of him, and they stayed frozen under his disapproving gaze.

But before Elia could try to make peace again, Reth tensed and the others all turned to look back towards the path into the clearing.

"Who's coming?" Reth asked, and Elia was surprised—first that he didn't know, and secondly by the edge of fear in his voice.

Behryn made a strange whistle and one of the men behind him leapt to his feet and ran swiftly towards the path, his spear drawn. But he was gone bare seconds before he came jogging back. "The guard returning," he called as he rejoined the men in the bow before Reth, "And Aymora."

Reth gave a little grunt and pulled Elia tighter to his side, kissing her hair as the people emerged from the forest. "If they say anything to you, let me handle it," he whispered in her ear, his body swayed against hers.