The Angry King


Asking Elia to make her own judgment on the wolves that offended her, was a powerplay. It allowed the elders to be seen to appease both him and Elia, yet place any backlash from the people squarely on her shoulders, rather than taking responsibility themselves.

How dare they? How dare they!

Did Behryn know about this? He shot a look at his Second, but was reassured to find him looking off-balance, and smelling even more so. So, the elders had come up with this on their own.

Was it a ploy because they didn't want to accept Elia? Or were they genuinely afraid of making the wrong move in his eyes?

"Speak plainly, Ehrahrd," he growled. "I gave this judgment to the elders so there could be no accusation of bias. Yet, you would give it back to the Queen?"