

"It's good that you understand that a person's heart and mind are more important than their skills," Aymora said with an approving smile.

Elia wasn't sure she'd thought about it that deeply, but she understood that it was true, so she nodded.

"Who you'd choose should probably be influenced by who you intend to Champion. Though all will be expected to challenge you at times—to keep you humble, and to make sure your decisions bear up under scrutiny—you don't want people close to you who do nothing but fight. You'll have enough of that from the wolves."

There was a titter around the table and the woman, Huncer, muttered, "We've all had enough of that from the wolves," which just set the others chuckling more.

"So, tell us, Elia, what passion burns within you? What people or groups of people do you wish to help thrive in Anima?"