In the Shade of the Forest


When they were finally alone, he looked around in every direction and scented the air, noting the wind direction, then darted off the trail, pulling her behind him.

"Reth, what—?"

"I missed you," he said, rough and hurried, as he pulled her into the space behind one of the massive, grandfather trees of the forest. Its trunk was so wide, he and Behryn could have stood side by side behind it and no one would have seen them. And because of its massive root-structure, there was a clear space for several feet around it. Hemmed in by the bushes and trees nearby, it was like being in a private little alcove.

"I missed you, too, but—oh! Oh what a lovely spot!" Elia said as she pushed through the underbrush to see where he'd brought her. He turned to catch her eye and she broke from scanning the little clearing to blinking at him. Then she smiled.