Elia's Story - Part 3


The fact that they hadn't rushed the stage on learning that she knew she'd had contact with Anima in the human world was a good sign. A very good sign. Gahrye had had Behryn come to a meeting and describe to her what the guards would do in the event that the people revolted. While none of them thought it was a true risk, she'd gone home that night terrified.

Behryn wasn't shooting the breeze. He knew his people and knew that with the wrong triggers, they could turn on her bodily. And he had a plan in place to get her out safely if they did.

She'd swallowed hard and tried to convince herself it wasn't something she needed to worry about. But they story of her childhood had been the moment she'd known was the greatest risk. And they were… enthralled.

She wished she could turn and celebrate with Reth, who she could feel cheering her on. But turning her back before her story was complete would be a sign of weakness. She couldn't do it.