

It was the most incredible chorus she'd ever heard.

Wide-eyed, she watched Reth call his people, and his people answer in a harmony like nothing she'd ever witnessed. Had his eyes, the warmth and love in them, not been even more compelling, she would have turned to watch the people, mouth agape. But she couldn't look away from him—not from the heat in his eyes, the tears that threatened, or the fierce pride he poured out on her in his gaze.

His chest swelled with his love for her so she could feel it.

Aymora hadn't warned her about this part, so she didn't know what to do. She simply left her hands on his chest and held his eyes, and thanked god that he was hers.

When the calling was done, he took her face in his hands and he kissed her so softly, it raised every hair on her skin.