Held to the People - ACT 1


Reth stumbled forward a step, threw himself down on his knees, his head still bowed. "Brant," he put his head to the floor. "Please."

"It is not my mercy that you need, Reth. You have always had that, and always will. It is the mercy of your people—and your thwarted Queen."

Reth sucked in a breath. His hands shook and he clawed into the dirt. "You can't be serious. Lucine? Please… Brant. Please—Elders, Wise-women. Please… do not break my true mate's bonding for this… mistake."

Brant growled. "Is the honor of the wolf-daughter, your subject—your intended Queen, of no consequence?"

"No! Of course it is! But… I do suspect machinations behind it. I suspect she was manipulated to come to me. And… please, Brant. Please." His voice weakened as the magnitude of the judgment came home from him and he lifted his head, begging. "Please… do not take Elia from me."

Brant's eyes were furious.