Held to the People - ACT 2


She stood at one end of the stage over the amphitheater, where the Anima had their readings—and their Censures. Gahrye stood to her right and Aymora to her left. Candace was there, but not on the stage. She hovered in the wings, watching, her brow lined in concern.

Reth stood on the opposite side, Brant on one side, Behryn on the other.

And, to Elia's surprise, Lucine stood in the wings on that side, apparently awaiting Brant's call for her testimony.

When she'd appeared, Elia had been speaking with Aymora, but the movement near Reth had caught her attention and she'd looked up. Only to find Lucine staring at her, pure malice in her gaze.

She hadn't dropped her eyes then, until Reth stepped between them.

Elia couldn't hear what he said, but Brant and Behryn stepped between him and Lucine and Elia swallowed. She prayed Reth wouldn't create further problems for them, though his anger was warranted.