The Queen's Counsel


Elia sat at the dining table, scanning the faces of the people who'd become so precious to her, wondering how on earth—or off of it—she was ever going to leave them and return to her own world… be away from them, and away from this people, this place. Away from Reth.

Even the idea felt so empty.

Reth sat to her left, his hand on her thigh under the table. He was all business this morning, but every time his eyes landed on her, they tightened and went dark. He looked like he was already grieving, but determined.

To her right, Aymora sat, frowning at the tabletop. She was fidgeting, twisting her fingers together, picking at her own nails—little things, but things Elia had never seen her do before. She was usually so poised. It was unnerving to see her so uneasy.