Allies & Obstacles


Eventually, when they began to talk again, they were all ready to move forward. Aymora raised the issue of their time in the human world, and Reth nodded. He would take this part.

"Once you reach the human world," Reth said quietly, "You'll connect with our Guardians there. They'll be able to help you."

"I though Gahrye was going to be my Guardian?"

"This is a different kind of Guardian. These are the Guardians of the Secret. There is a single tree of the human line whose families have held the secret of the Anima for millennia."

"I thought you hid Anima from humans?"

"We do. But the Guardians have known of us for as long as our histories record. They are a specific family line, and in each generation two are chosen to hold the secret. In return we assist them with… other things."

"Things like what?"