Strange Day


They did pack a bag for Elia. And when she left the bedchamber to find a shawl, he slipped his gift into the bottom of the bag for her to find later.

His hand shook when he drew it out.

Every part of him vibrated, as if he trembled under his skin. Every instinct within him screamed not to leave her, not to let her leave him. But he knew… he knew… If she stayed, it was a death sentence. Probably for her. Definitely for many people. She was too vulnerable here, under these circumstances. It was a risk keeping her here as long as he was. But he was weak. So weak.

So, he swallowed his fear, and his self-loathing, and helped her find the things she wanted to take. He answered the visits from Behryn in preparation. He received Brant and Aymora when they returned to sit with Elia. But she hadn't thought of any new questions, and the way he paced while they spoke, all three of them ended up watching him more than speaking to each other.