The Shift - Act 1


He'd known she was angry about how she came to be in Anima. He supposed that even if she didn't want to change that, she had reason to be upset about being stolen from this life—especially if, as it sounded, her name had been sullied after she left.

And he'd seen Elia angry. He'd seen her fight. He'd seen her be dominant in defense of Reth, or to claim him.

But he'd never seen her like this.

He'd thought the night before it was to do with the pregnancy and all the stress. She was emotional and losing her self-control. Anyone would struggle after the things she'd been through in the past week.

But when he caught her wrists and had to wrestle to keep hold of her. When her eyes went wide and her voice grew rough… if he hadn't known better he would have thought…

Then when Shaw showed up in the worst timing under the Creator's smile, Elia erupted.